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2011 High Level Meeting on AIDS
General Assembly, UN, New York, 8-10 June 2011

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Statements and Webcast

H. E. Ms. Paulette A. Bethel, Permanent Representative


10 June 2011

  • Statement: English (Check against delivery)

Statement Summary

PAULETTE A. BETHEL ( Bahamas), aligning with the Caribbean Community (CARICOM), said: “we cannot be sceptical about what we can achieve”, especially if States were to secure the safety of future generations. In the Bahamas, no child last year had been born HIV-infected. The AIDS mortality rate had declined since access to antiretroviral drugs had been introduced in 2001. Resources to improve the national health-care system were needed, she said, noting that national, regional or global conditions could not be allowed to prevent the achievement of zero new infections, zero discrimination or zero AIDS-related deaths. Prevention efforts must target those people most at-risk and marginalized, which required resource mobilization.

In that context, she underscored the importance of investment in sexual and reproductive health services for all ages, and in the empowerment of girls and women. Shaping the national response required support for new technologies that were affordable and accessible, especially as some people needed second- and third-line antiretroviral drugs. New technologies also were needed for microbicides and “telemedicine”, in order to deliver preventive and curative treatment throughout her archipelago. Finally, she said: “We need renewed leadership and more involvement of young people”, as well as expanded services, more attention to the social determinants of the pandemic and an overall strengthening of health systems.

Source: GA/11093