Technology Transfer

Strengthening regional health industries and promoting technology transfer to enhance pandemic resilience and improve health outcomes in LDCs

PrepCom1 Corresponding theme: 

"Leveraging the power of science, technology, and innovation to fight against multidimensional vulnerabilities and to achieve the SDGs"

Enhancing STI has become increasingly important as a driver of productivity growth in the era of enhanced digitization. LDCs must be put in a position to close the digital divide and overcome inequities in access to and productive use of digital technologies, otherwise they will be left behind. 



WISH Summit: Technology Transfer: Future-proofing Health for All

Innovative health technologies – rapidly developed, equitably accessible, and easily diffused - can help countries sustainably reduce their health vulnerabilities and become resilient to future shocks.

The WISH Summit and the UN Technology Bank for the Least Developed Countries will through this session facilitate an exchange of ideas and share experiences on systematic approaches to creating health resilience, using technology transfer for COVID -19 as a starting point.
