New York

10 October 2003

on 2003 Nobel Peace Prize Winner

Kofi Annan, Former Secretary-General

The Secretary-General warmly welcomes the award of the Nobel Peace Prize to Ms. Shirin Ebadi, the first Muslim woman to receive the prize and a courageous champion of human rights. He extends his sincere congratulations to Ms. Ebadi, noting that she previously served as Iran's first woman judge and is recognized particularly for her tireless work to promote the human rights of women, children and refugees. Equally, she is known for her conviction that human rights are fully compatible with Islam, and her interpretation of Islamic law in a way that recognizes the harmony between human rights, democracy and equality before the law. Her work is a fine example of the very principles the United Nations stands for, and this award should serve as an inspiration to women and men, Muslims and non-Muslims, as well as human rights defenders around the world.