New York

19 September 2006

Secretary-General's press encounter with CNN [use of this transcript must be attributed to CNN]

Kofi Annan, Former Secretary-General

Q: Just a quick comment on your thoughts on the Thai coup.

SG: I don't have all the details, but we as an Organization have always supported governmental changes through democratic means, through the ballot box. As the African Union, for example, has indicated, they do not support those who come to power through the barrel of a gun. I don't have the details, but this is not a practice to be encouraged.

Q: And any words for the people of Thailand?

SG: All that I will say is that they should remain calm. Over the past decade or so, they have established a solid democracy and institutions under the leadership of the King. And I'm sure they will be able to restore that institution and go back to a democratic system as soon as possible.

[use of this transcript must be attributed to CNN]