UN Headquarters

13 October 2016

Press encounter with UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and Secretary-General-designate António Guterres

Ban Ki-moon

Ban Ki-moon: I am very happy and pleased and honoured to welcome to the 38th floor this new Secretary-General-designate. He will soon become Secretary-General, succeeding me. 

He will be looking and he will be addressing so many challenges from this 38th floor. There may be many challenges, at the same time, there is some hope for all of us. We have the Sustainable Development Goals, and Climate Change. These are two guides which will really bring a good sense of hope to many people.

I wish you all the best.

I think that the Member States of the United Nations have chosen a superb person as my successor. I am very happy that I will be able to leave all these burdens. But you can count on me until the last day of my mandate.  I will have very close coordination and communication with you and I will ensure that this transition will be smooth and seamless and satisfactory, to the expectation of Member States. 

All staff and our Secretariat are ready to work with you.

In the meantime, I wish you good success. You have shown already such compassionate leadership to millions and millions of people. That is why you are elected now. 
Congratulations, félicitations, parabéns! Obrigado.

António Guterres: Mr. Secretary-General, I want to say how honoured I feel to be received by you, Secretary-General, and how difficult it will be for me to be your worthy successor. I will do my best, first of all to honour your legacy and to make sure that your legacy is preserved by the institution and by the international community. 

You have had remarkable achievements – you have just mentioned two – the Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris Agreement – and I will do everything I can to make sure that those achievements will not be lost, and that they will be effectively implemented.

And at the same time I want to make an appeal to all Member States. The Secretary-General is at the present moment Mr. Ban Ki-moon and all Member States should do everything possible to support him in these months that will be at the helm of this organization, to make sure that more successes will follow even before the 31st of December.