Chair of the Inter-Agency Task Force on Financing for Development

Dear colleagues,

I would like to welcome you to the fourth meeting of the Inter-agency Task Force on Financing for Development.

Since we last met in September, this Task Force has been hard at work. With few resources we have built an on-line annex with over 500 pages of substantive material and analysis; we held a series of technical meetings on relevant and important issues; we hosted a number of public and private briefings on our work, and we are now nearing completion of the 2017 report. Congratulations!

I wholeheartedly thank you for all of your contributions.

I have called this meeting to conclude the work of writing the 2017 report. As agreed by Member States, the 2017 report contains: a discussion of the global context and its implications; an overview of progress in each chapter of the Addis Ababa Action Agenda, with detailed monitoring carried out in an on-line annex; and analyses of thematic issues.

One of the lessons from this year’s exercise is that though the Task Force members work on related issues, we bring different perspectives and mandates to our work. Bringing these different outlooks together into one analytical work has produced a rich analysis and deeper understanding of the issues and of policy responses.

I believe this year’s strong, data-driven analysis in the report contains a wealth of pertinent information and practical policy options that will both help Member States implement the Addis Agenda and the SDGs, and move the agenda forward.

We have shared advanced unedited drafts of the chapters with you and we will post them online after this meeting to enable comments from stakeholders, including civil society, the business sector, and Member States. We may need to make last-minute corrections, and I encourage your agencies to conduct a thorough check of the drafts for accuracy.

The final publication will be sent to the presses for printing and posted online on 17 April, to enable production in advance of the ECOSOC Forum on Financing for Development. My department stands ready to work with you on any pressing concerns, which we request be submitted within the next week.

However, our work for the 2017 cycle is not finished. Member State delegates and policymakers need to be informed by the report’s analysis and recommendations. As you should be aware the Financing for Development Office is organising briefings on the report as well as outreach and communications activities.

I invite the Task Force members to participate in these briefings. I also urge all of you to nominate communications focal points from your offices to help coordinate the work of launching the report. We would welcome proposals for hosting launch events and press briefings outside of New York. We count on your collaboration to help publicise the report through traditional and social media.

I would also like to thank those members of the Task Force that collaborated with my department throughout the year to organise technical meetings and substantive discussions. I greatly appreciate professionalism and dedication.

Continued collaboration is essential if we are to help Member States achieve the ambitious goals set out in the 2030 Agenda and the Addis Agenda. I encourage further use of the Task Force in this way and we will keep you informed about such requests and invite your participation in all initiatives.

Before opening the floor for discussion, I will ask Alex to expand on the intergovernmental process and on what further guidance to expect from Member States. Shari will then provide further details on the next steps for the Task Force for the 2017 cycle and some thoughts on the 2018 cycle.

I look forward to our discussion.

Thank you.
File date: 
Wednesday, March 29, 2017
Mr. Wu