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Luis Padilla Nervo (Mexico)

Elected President of the sixth session of the General Assembly

Photo of Luis Padilla Nervo

Dr. Luis Padilla Nervo, who has been elected President of the sixth session of the General Assembly, is the permanent representative of Mexico to the United Nations and has been close to United Nations affairs since the San Francisco Conference of Mexican delegation. He has been a delegate to every session of the General Assembly and, since 1947, chairman of his delegation.

Dr. Padilla Nervo has represented his country in the Security Council, the Trusteeship Council (of which he was Vice-President in 1949), the Economic and Social Council, and the Interim Committee of the General Assembly (of which he was the first Chairman). In March 1951 he was named one of three delegates to the General Assembly's Good Offices Committee, set up to seek the cessation of hostilities in Korea. He was appointed to the committee by Ambassador Nasrollah Entezam (Iran), then President of the General Assembly.

Born in the state of Michoacan in 1898, Dr. Padilla Nervo studied law and economics in Mexico, Washington D.C., Buenos Aims and London. He joined his country's diplomatic Corps when he was 22. In 1933 he attained the rank of envoy and, in 1945, that of ambassador.

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