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4. The role of the United Nations system in implementing the ministerial declaration of the high -level segment of the 2009 substantive session of the Council

  • Report of the Secretary-General on the role of the United Nations system in implementing the ministerial declaration of the 2009 substantive session of the Economic and Social Council (E/2010/85)
  • Updated report of the Secretary-General on the role of the Economic and Social Council in the integrated and coordinated implementation of the outcomes of and follow-up to major United Nations conferences and summits, in the light of relevant General Assembly resolutions, including resolution 61/16 (A/65/84-E/2010/90)
  • Theme of the Coordination Segment: Implementing the internationally agreed development goals and commitments in regard to global public health - Conference Room Paper (E/2010/CRP.3)

6. Implementation of and follow-up to major United Nations conferences and summits

  • Updated report of the Secretary-General on the role of the Council in the integrated and coordinated implementation of the outcomes of and follow-up to major United Nations conferences and summits, in the light of relevant General Assembly resolutions, including resolution 61/16 (see also under items 4 and 8) (A/65/84-E/2010/90)

6.a. Follow-up to the International Conference on Financing for Development

  • Report of the Secretary-General: Recovering from the crisis: a Global Jobs Pact (E/2010/64)
  • Summary by the President of the Council of the special high-level meeting of the Economic and Social Council with the Bretton Woods institutions, the World Trade Organization and the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (A/65/81-E/2010/83)

7.a. Reports of coordination bodies

  • Annual overview report of the United Nations System Chief Executives Board for Coordination for 2009/10 (E/2010/69)

8.Implementation of General Assembly resolutions 50/227, 52/12 B, 57/270 B and 60/265

  • Updated report of the Secretary - General on the role of the Economic and Social Council in the integrated and coordinated implementation of the outcomes of and follow-up to major United Nations conferences and summits, in the light of relevant General Assembly resolutions, including resolution 61/16 (see also under items 4 and 6) (A/65/84-E/2010/90)