Volume 19, No.06 - June 2015

Trends and analysis

Strengthening capacity of youth organizations

Norway Cup, GazaStrengthening the capacity of youth organizations to formulate, monitor and evaluate effective and evidence-based policies will be at the center of the debate during a regional training workshop on “Evidence-based policies on Youth Development in the Caribbean”. The focus of the training workshop will lie on using international youth indicators to develop these policies. 

The workshop, organized by UN DESA ‘s Division for Social Policy and Development (Focal Point on Youth and the Technical Cooperation Unit)  in partnership with UNDP and The Commonwealth, will focus on of representatives of youth organizations, representatives of Member States, academia and United Nations entities. It will be held from 2 – 4 June in Bridgetown, Barbados and will be attended by 17 countries.

For more information: UN DESA’s Division for Social Policy and Development


Wide range of topics before coordination and management meeting

cmm_coverThe Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) will hold its sixth Coordination and Management Meeting on 8-10 June at UN Headquarters in New York.

During the meeting, the Council will review the reports of some of its subsidiary bodies and UN System Entities (Programme), and it will hold an event for the Commemoration of the Twentieth Anniversary of the World Summit for Social Development. H.E. Mr. Eduardo Frei, Former President of Chile in 1995 will participate in this event.

The Council will consider among others, reports of its subsidiary bodies, under the following thematic issues: Social development; Gender equality and empowerment of women; Transport of dangerous goods; Prevention and control of non-communicable diseases; Follow-up to the International Conference on Financing for Development; International cooperation in tax matters; Statistics; Sustainable Development; Implementation of and follow-up to major United Nations conferences and summits; and a Dialogue with the Secretary of the United Nations Chiefs Executive Board for Coordination (CEB).

For more information:

ECOSOC’s Coordination and Management Meeting


Collecting data on gender equality

Elections in AfghanistanCollecting reliable data on gender equality will be at the center of the Enumerator’s training of the Mexican EDGE module, from 8-12 June at Aguascalientes, Mexico. The Evidence and Data for Gender Equality (EDGE) project staff will participate, as a resource person, in the training of enumerators on the EDGE module for data collection on the individual level asset ownership and entrepreneurship.

The Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Geografía (INEGI), Mexico has volunteered to canvass the EDGE module appended to their National Household Survey (ENH).

Findings of the pilot survey is expected to inform the international methodological guidelines to be developed by the EDGE initiative on measuring individual level asset ownership and entrepreneurship from a gender perspective.

For more information: UN DESA’s Statistics Division