Volume 18, No.07 - July 2014

Capacity development

Producing statistics on time use

GA-200 clockWorkshop on the Measurement of Household Production for Satellite Accounts and the 36th Conference of the International Association for Time Use Research (IATUR) will take place in Turku, Finland on 29 July.

UN DESA’s Statistics Division is extending fellowships to selected statisticians from National Statistical Offices in developing countries to participate in a workshop on the Measurement of Household Production for Satellite Accounts, organized by IATUR in collaboration with Statistics Finland.

The main objective of the workshop is to train statisticians on how to build a satellite account for household production (data needed, sources and methods for the compilation of accounts). Participants will also attend the 36th International Association for Time Use Research (IATUR) Conference, to be held after the workshop, from 30 July to 1 August.

The conference will serve as an important opportunity to share, review and discuss methods and tools among statisticians and researchers interested in theoretical and empirical areas related to measuring and producing statistics on time use.

For more information:

IATUR 2014 conference