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Women in Power and Decision Making
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights states that everyone has the right to take part in the Government of his/her country. The empowerment and autonomy of women and the improvement of women's social, economic and political status is essential for the achievement of both transparent and accountable government and administration and sustainable development in all areas of life.

  • Governing Women: Women's Political Effectiveness in Contexts of Democratization and Governance Reform
    www.unrisd.org ] Languages:  | English 
    Though the proportion of women in national assemblies still barely scrapes 16% on average, the striking outliers-Rwanda with 49% of its assembly female, Argentina with 35%, Liberia and Chile with new women presidents this year-have raised expectations that there is an upward trend in women's representation from which we may expect big changes in the quality of governance. But getting into public office is just the first step in the challenge of creating governance and accountability systems that respond to women's needs and protect the rights. Using case studies from around the world, the essays in this volume, edited by Anne Marie Goetz, consider the conditions for effective connections between women in civil society and women in politics, for the evolution of political party platforms responsive to women's interests, for local government arrangements that enable women to engage effectively, and for accountability mechanisms that answer to women. The book's argument is that good governance from a gender perspective requires more than women in politics. It requires fundamental incentive changes to orient public action and policy to support gender equality. UNRISD, 2008

  • Governance, Peace and Security
    www.unifem.org ] Languages:  English 
    Improving women's participation in political institutions, promoting women'sperspectives in policy making and influencing the direction of society.

  • EXPO 2000 - Global Dialogue - Future Works - Labour, Sustainable Business and Social Responsibility. Hannover, 3-5 October 2000
    www.ilo.org ] Languages:  English 
    Presentations by country representatives on women in the workplace

  • International Knowledge Network of Women in Politics (iKNOW Politics)
    www.iknowpolitics.org ] Languages: ArabicEnglish | French | Spanish
    The International Knowledge Network of Women in Politics (iKNOW Politics) is an online knowledge network designed to serve the needs of elected officials, candidates, political party leaders and members, researchers, students and other practitioners interested in advancing women in politics. It is a joint project of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment (UN Women), the National Democratic Institute for International Affairs (NDI), the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) and the International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (International IDEA). The goal of iKNOW Politics is to increase the participation and effectiveness of women in political life by utilizing a technology-enabled forum. The iKNOW Politics website plays a central role in achieving this goal by offering users the opportunity to:

    1. Access resources, including the online library and the information and expertise of other users, experts and practitioners;

    2. Create knowledge through mediated discussion forums, information exchange and consolidated expert responses to member queries; and

    3. Share experiences by using tools specifically designed to facilitate the exchange of lessons learned and best practices among members of a global community committed to the advancement of women in politics.

    To learn more about the iKnow Politics team, click here.

  • The World's Women 2005: Progress in Statistics. Chapter 6 Poverty, decision-making and human rights
    unstats.un.org ] Languages:  English 
    This document reviews deficiencies and gaps in the collection, dissemination, presentation and use of data in the following three areas of concern highlighted in the Beijing Platform for Action: Women and poverty; Women in power and decision-making; and Human rights of women. UN Statistics Division, 2005

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