Concert commemorating 70th Anniversary of the United Nations

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Statement by Mr. Mogens Lykketoft,  President of the 70th session of the General Assembly at the Concert commemorating the 70th Anniversary of the United Nations

23 October 2015



Mr Secretary General, Excellencies, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen, 70 years ago tomorrow, this Organisation was born and it is my great pleasure to be here at the centre of this anniversary celebration.

That the United Nations still exists is an incredible achievement in itself; that it has made great strides in advancing global peace, justice, human rights and social progress is something that we should all be proud of. We should be proud also of all those who have contributed to the UN’s successes and we should remember those UN personnel who made the ultimate sacrifice.

It is evident that we still have a long distance to travel before the vision of the UN Charter becomes a reality. Together, we must work to end the senseless conflicts and violence that disrupt development, displace millions and destroy hundreds of thousands of lives. We must meet our commitments to uphold and realise the inalienable human rights of all without discrimination and to advance gender equality. And we must end poverty and protect our planet by delivering now on the revolutionary 2030 Agenda.

Ladies and gentlemen, billions of people dream of enjoying peaceful and prosperous lives in a sustainable and just world – it is the strong moral responsibility of this Organisation and of all us here tonight, for the benefit of our children and grandchildren, to work tirelessly together in pursuit of that dream.

I wish you all a very enjoyable evening.