Closing of the 2017 ECOSOC High-level Segment

Your Excellency, Ambassador Shava, President of the Economic and Social Council,Honourable Ministers,Excellencies,Distinguished DelegatesLadies and Gentlemen,

I wish to congratulate you, Mr. President, and all the members of the Bureau on a successful and productive 2017 High-level Segment of the Economic and Social Council.

This Segment was marked by the ministerial-level meeting of the HLPF, and the insightful voluntary national presentations.

The High-level Segment also represents the culmination of the ECOSOC cycle on its main theme, pulling together the analysis of the entire ECOSOC system, including that of its functional commissions, expert bodies and various forums and segments.

I wish to commend the HLPF and ECOSOC for all its work towards poverty eradication.

Honourable Ministers,

The High-level Segment offered several key messages for the implementation of the 2030 Agenda:

First, eradicating poverty in all its forms and dimensions, particularly extreme poverty, remains the great global challenge and an indispensable requirement for sustainable development.

Second, the 2030 Agenda, together with the Addis Ababa Action Agenda, the Paris Agreement, and the Sendai Framework, provides a comprehensive framework for eradicating poverty.

Third, policy integration across the three dimensions of sustainable development has become the standard. The need to integrate  our actions towards eradicating poverty is immense.

And finally, an inclusive follow-up and review is fundamental.


This week has had far-reaching discussions that have pointed to tremendous capacity gaps, yet also to new opportunities.

Challenges in data collection and data disaggregation were a common theme throughout.

The Segment also highlighted the need to strengthen the qualitative dimension of multi-layered follow-up and review.

Distinguished Delegates,

Ladies and Gentlemen,

The Department of Economic and Social Affairs, as Secretariat to the HLPF, ECOSOC and many of the functional commissions and expert bodies, will ensure continued integrated support for the implementation of the 2030 Agenda.

We trust that you will maintain the dedication and decisiveness demonstrated this week, and advance the implementation even further.

Thank you.
File date: 
Thursday, 七月 20, 2017
Mr. Wu