Monthly Archives: February 2015

23 Feb, 2015

In Madagascar, young people in the service of community and environment

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Emedianna Zafisoa, 15, is in year 10 at the Collège d’Enseignement Général (CEG) in Maroantsetra, a district in north-eastern Madagascar. Firmly committed to environmental conservation, she is indignant about the trash that piles up in her town, a popular tourist destination because of its beautiful scenery and wildlife. “People don’t stop throwing their garbage everywhere,

20 Feb, 2015

On Social Justice Day, UN highlights human trafficking, 21 Million People Are ‘Modern Slaves’

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The United Nations Secretary-General said today that the World Day for Social Justice comes at a pivotal moment for people and the planet, adding that this year's commemoration focuses on the scourge of human trafficking and the plight of approximately 21 million women, men and children in various forms of modern slavery. “New instruments such

19 Feb, 2015

CALL FOR NOMINATIONS: International Children’s Peace Prize 2015

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The International Children’s Peace Prize is awarded annually to a child, anywhere in the world, for his or her dedication to children’s rights. Winners receive the statuette ‘Nkosi’ (which shows how a child sets the world in motion), a study grant, and a world-wide platform to promote his or her ideals and causes to the

18 Feb, 2015

$1 million grant for Powering the Future We Want

To promote innovative solutions and recognise leadership and commitment in meeting the energy challenge, the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN-DESA) have launched a project aiming at advancing the implementation of sustainable development by identifying innovative practices in energy for sustainable development, sponsored by China Energy Fund Committee (CEFC). The project, titled Powering

18 Feb, 2015

4 out of 10 child soldiers are girls

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12 February 2015 – On this International Day against the Use of Child Soldiers, also known as Red Hand Day, UNICEF and the UN Special Representative for Children and Armed Conflict Leila Zerrougui call for urgent action to end grave violations against children including their recruitment by armed groups. Children are increasingly vulnerable as conflicts around

18 Feb, 2015

Leaders from around the world are All In to end the AIDS epidemic among adolescents

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NAIROBI, 17 February 2015—While major advances have been made in almost every area of the response to HIV, progress for adolescents is falling behind, said leaders in the global response to end the AIDS epidemic. AIDS has become the leading cause of death for adolescents in Africa and the second leading cause of death among

18 Feb, 2015

Call for Submissions for the 2015 IDSDP Video Contest

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In celebration of the 2nd International Day of Sport for Development and Peace (IDSDP), the United Nations Office on Sport for Development and Peace (UNOSDP) is organizing a Video Contest aimed at showcasing the works of organizations around the world that are committed to uplifting their communities through sport. We are inviting all organizations that

18 Feb, 2015

Applications Invited for United Nations Journalism Fellowships

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The Dag Hammarskjöld Fund for Journalists is now accepting applications from professional journalists from developing countries for its 2015 fellowship program. The application deadline is March 16, 2015. The fellowships are available to radio, television, print and web journalists, age 25 to 35, from developing countries who are interested in coming to New York to report

18 Feb, 2015

UN-Habitat Youth Advisory Board: Call for Nomination 2015-2017

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UN-Habitat has made a call for nominations for the 2015-2017 Youth Advisory Board. The Board will serve a two year term and comprises 12 advisors (one male and one female youth) from Africa, Asia Pacific, Europe, Latin America, the Caribbean, North America and West Asia. Additionally, the board includes one youth observer representing young people