New York

20 January 2022

Statement attributable to the Spokesperson for the Secretary-General – on Holocaust Denial

Stéphane Dujarric, Spokesman for the Secretary-General

The Secretary-General welcomes the adoption today by the General Assembly of the historic resolution which rejects and condemns without any reservation any denial of the Holocaust as a historical event.

As the Secretary-General has often said, we can never let down our guard in the face of increasing attempts to deny, distort or minimize the Holocaust. We must also adapt and respond to new forms of antisemitism fueled by ignorance or conspiracy theories, also circulating online. Today's resolution, adopted by consensus, makes it clear that all Member States must condemn and actively combat Holocaust denial.

The United Nations – including through UNESCO and the Holocaust Outreach Programme  – will continue to develop and implement educational and advocacy programmes aimed at countering Holocaust denial and distortion.