Geneva, Switzerland

27 May 2024

Secretary-General's video message to the 77th World Health Assembly

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Dear Dr Tedros, Excellencies, friends,

This World Health Assembly is vital.

Our world is in trouble – from climate chaos to rising poverty and inequalities, and multiplying conflicts.

And when crises rage, health suffers.

We see it across the globe:

More than twenty million children missing routine vaccinations;

Rising cases of dengue and other diseases – linked with rising global temperatures;

Cholera outbreaks in more than 20 countries this year alone;

And a mountain of evidence that health is a casualty of war.

Millions of people in Sudan and Gaza are at risk of dying -- not only from bullets and bombs, but from untreated injuries and disease.
Unprecedented attacks on healthcare go beyond anything I have seen in my time as Secretary-General.

Excellencies, friends,

This World Health Assembly is an opportunity to address many global health challenges.

And to revitalise our international architecture – building the systems we need for the crises we know will come.

The Pandemic Agreement is a once-in-a-generation opportunity to ensure the global health system can respond more quickly – and equitably – when the next pandemic strikes. 

I urge you to bring it to fruition;

And to support amendments to the International Health Regulations, boosting our ability to respond to emergencies;

To agree on the General Programme of Work – the world’s health strategy for the next four years, with a new vision to promote, provide and protect health;

And to strengthen WHO’s funding – giving it the security and predictability it needs to stand strong at the heart of our international efforts.

I also urge all countries to push for further progress at the Summit of the Future later this year:

This is an opportunity to drive forward efforts on financing for development – including health – and to establish an Emergency Platform to convene all stakeholders immediately in response to global shocks.

Excellencies, friends,

Let’s seize this chance.

Make this World Health Assembly count.

And help build a healthier, safer, fairer world for us all.

Thank you.