New York

02 August 2019

Statement attributable to the Spokesman for the Secretary-General on the ending of the Intermediate-range Nuclear Forces Treaty

The Secretary-General expresses his deep regret at the ending of the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty. He has consistently called on both the United States and the Russian Federation to resolve their differences through the consultation mechanisms provided for in the Treaty and regrets they have been unable to do so. He notes that, in the current deteriorating international security environment, previously-agreed arms control and disarmament agreements are increasingly under threat.
Since its entry-into-force on 1 June 1988, the INF Treaty contributed tangibly to the maintenance of peace and stability internationally and especially in Europe. It played an important role in reducing risk, building confidence and helping to bring the Cold War to an end.
The Secretary-General emphasizes the need to avoid destabilizing developments and to urgently seek agreement on a new common path for international arms control. He calls on the Russian Federation and the United States to extend New START and to undertake negotiations on further arms control measures.