New York

20 October 2016

Secretary-General's remarks at the screening of the documentary "Before the Flood"

Ban Ki-Moon, Former Secretary-General

Thank you, Ms. Courtney Monroe.

Honourable Mr. John Kerry, United States Secretary of State,
Honourable Ms. Ségolène Royal, Minister of of Ecology, Sustainable Development and Energy of France,
Mr. Leonardo DiCaprio, UN Messenger of Peace,
Mr. Fisher Stevens and Mr. Brett Ratner, Director and Executive-Producer of Before the Flood,
Ladies and gentlemen.

Good evening.

I hope you are as excited as I am to see “Before the Flood”.

I would like to thank the film’s director, Mr. Fisher Stevens, Mr. Leonardo DiCaprio and National Geographic for producing this eloquent appeal for climate action. .

Two years ago, I designated Mr. DiCaprio as a UN Messenger of Peace with a special focus on climate change.

I have long been impressed by his commitment to saving the global environment.

His unique blend of public appeal and deep passion is helping to open eyes around the world to the climate challenge.

Human-induced climate change is real.Its consequences are dire.

With this film, Mr. DiCaprio has shown us the edge of the abyss. He made us look down into it.

And, most importantly, he has shown us a way out.

Mr. DiCaprio was with us at the historic Paris Agreement signing ceremony earlier this year.

Next month, on 4 November, the Agreement will enter into force.

This is much sooner than anyone had predicted.

I would like to thank United States Secretary of State John Kerry for joining us tonight.
Under President Obama’s leadership, he has played a critical role in mobilizing the political consensus needed to secure the Paris Agreement and bring it into force.

For decades, Secretary Kerry has been a committed climate champion

I also commend Minister Ségolène Royal for her leadership.

The Paris Agreement shows the importance given by all sectors of society to meeting the climate challenge.

Governments know we cannot achieve the Sustainable Development Goals without urgent climate action.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

We are at a turning point in history.

We are the last generation that can avert a climate catastrophe that will affect everyone.

That is why we must act, now, together -- governments, big business, entrepreneurs and civil society.

&nbspWe must reduce greenhouse gas emissions and embrace clean energy.

We must strengthen climate resilience.

And we must support vulnerable communities and nations that are already feeling the devastating effects of climate change.

I hope “Before the Flood” can help us accelerate momentum for change around the world.

Please join me in applauding Mr. DiCaprio and everyone who has worked on this deeply moving film.

Thank you.