The Sound of Human Rights: 'Everyone Everywhere'

The Sound of Human Rights: 'Everyone Everywhere'

A cantata entitled “Everyone, Everywhere” weaves passages from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights together with the words of human rights luminaries such as Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, and Eleanor Roosevelt.

Wole Soyinka: Human Rights are for Everyone

Wole Soyinka: Human Rights are for Everyone

Nobel Literature Laureate Wole Soyinka delivered an address in 1993 to the World Conference on Human Rights as a ‘special guest’ of the UN Secretary-General.

Gloria Steinem: The link between women's rights and peace

Gloria Steinem: The link between women's rights and peace

Writer, lecturer, political activist, and feminist organizer Gloria Steinem denounces violence against women in a speech at UN Headquarters.

Utilizing material from the UN Audiovisual Library, this production showcases a major force in the feminist movement taking her message to the global stage.

Audrey Hepburn: Hollywood Icon and Child Rights Activist

Audrey Hepburn: Hollywood Icon and Child Rights Activist

Hollywood actress Audrey Hepburn was a tireless advocate for children’s rights.

Soon after becoming a UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador in 1988, she went on a mission to Ethiopia, where years of drought and civil strife had caused terrible famine. After visiting UNICEF emergency operations, Audrey talked about the projects to media in the United States, Canada and Europe over several weeks, giving as many as 15 interviews a day.

Настоятельный призыв к справедливости и миру: Международный день солидарности с палестинским народом на фоне эскалации насилия в Газе

The Security Council adopts resolution 2712 (2023) calling for urgent humanitarian pauses and corridors throughout the Gaza Strip, 15 November 2023. UN Photo/Loey Felipe

Помощь осведомленного и сочувствующего глобального сообщества крайне важна для укрепления международной солидарности, необходимой миротворцам и гуманитарным работникам для обеспечения достижения справедливого и прочного мира на Ближнем Востоке.

The Shocking Link Between Hate Speech and Genocide

Genocides do not start with bullets or machetes, they begin with hate speech. 

Can Hate Speech Ignite Genocide? | When Words Kill

Can Hate Speech Ignite Genocide? | When Words Kill

Genocides do not start with bullets or machetes, they begin with hate speech.

The Holocaust did not start with the gas chambers, but with hate speech. The 1994 genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda began with decades of hate speech exacerbated by ethnic tensions. The Srebrenica genocide in Bosnia and Herzegovina began with constant nationalist propaganda throughout party-controlled media channels demonizing the Bosnian Muslim population.

Empowering Black Women: Valdecir Nascimento's Vision for Equality

Empowering Black Women: Valdecir Nascimento's Vision for Equality

Brazilian activist, Valdecir  Nascimento spent her life fighting for women’s rights in her country.

“I want Black women of today to have the power and possibility to decide”, the Executive coordinator of  Odara  Institute  told  UN News during the second session of the Permanent Forum on People of African Descent from 30 May to 2 June 2023 at the United Nations Headquarters in New York.

Remembering Genocide: The Mothers of Srebrenica

Remembering Genocide: The Mothers of Srebrenica

Amid the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina, a UN safe area was established in the Bosnian town of Srebrenica in 1993. But in July 1995, the town was overrun by Bosnian-Serb forces and over 8,000 Bosniak boys and men were killed within a week.

Korean Artists Break Barriers One Brushstroke at a Time


In Seoul, South Korea, an art exhibition was held at the Seoul Art Center where 43 artists with developmental disabilities participated in the exhibition of over 100 different paintings.

Among them were artists Hansol Kim and Shinhey Park. We go behind-the-scenes to follow them in their daily lives and see that they are ultimately no different from the rest of humanity, and that overcoming the inequalities they face will benefit all of society.