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PGA Remarks at the at the opening of the High-level panel on the Role of Ombudsman and Mediator Institutions in the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights, Good Governance, and the Rule of Law



Remarks by the President of the General Assembly,
Mr. Dennis Francis,
at the opening of the High-level panel on the Role of Ombudsman and Mediator Institutions in the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights, Good Governance, and the Rule of Law

22 May 2024
[As Delivered]


Ms. Ilze Brands Kehris, Assistant Secretary-General for Human Rights,

Excellencies, and Dear Colleagues,

I wish to thank you all for joining today’s High-level panel on the Role of Ombudsman and Mediator Institutions in the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights, Good Governance, and the Rule of Law – an important occasion mandated by the General Assembly.

I especially extend a warm welcome to the high-level participants – comprised of true professionals from Member States and organizations across the world – who are directly involved in the day-to-day work of Ombudsman and Mediator Institutions.

Despite it being often understated, the role of Ombudsman and Mediator Institutions is not only varied but also absolutely essential.

This discussion is, therefore, an ideal opportunity to reiterate the importance of the Ombudsman and Mediator Institutions as guardians of human rights – and as enablers of accountability and transparency for good governance.

They assist in aligning executive and legislative actions with national and international human rights obligations.

They play a pivotal role in investigating complaints, addressing grievances, deterring corruption – and ensuring that public authorities adhere to legal and highest ethical standards.

And while there is no one-size-fits-all approach to either the Ombudsman or National Human Rights Institutions – allowing for adaptation within Member States’ systems – the core components of these institutions and their complementarity to each other share a lot in common.

At the global level, they form an integral aspect of our ongoing efforts to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals – by fostering peaceful and inclusive societies, as envisioned in SDG16.



It is encouraging that the number of national human rights institutions has increased around the world.

But these institutions are only as powerful or efficient as the measures taken to ensure their independence, autonomy, and protection.

To be able to effectively execute their mandates – within their spheres of competence – their work must be facilitated and discharged with unfettered independence and without undue influence.

Importantly, those entrusted with such a distinctive mandate – as presumed professionals of highest standing in their own right – must be allowed to perform their duties without fear of reprisal, intimidation, or recrimination; be it online or offline.

It is particularly imperative that Member States accord the Ombudsman and Mediator Institutions needed operational deference – accompanied by the necessary protections, to enable them to fulfill their mandate in an efficient manner.

It is further encouraged that the foundational tenets of such institutions align with the Paris Principles on National Human Rights Institutions and the Venice Principles on Ombudsman Institutions.

This is key in installing their unshakable pillars and strengthening their independence and autonomy – thus optimizing their support to Member States’ efforts to create just and accountable societies.


Dear Colleagues,

Collaboration and partnership are also essential for enhancing the effectiveness of Ombudsman and Mediator Institutions.

To this end, I particularly commend the contributions by regional and international associations of Ombudsman and Mediator Institutions – in promoting cooperation and sharing best practices.

In the same vein, I encourage UN mechanisms and processes – beyond those focused strictly on human rights or governance – to tap into, and benefit from the valuable expertise and experience of these institutions.

Such interaction would be a value added in the interest of promoting human rights and the rule of law – and ultimately strengthening good governance.



Dear Colleagues,

As I close, let me recall the words of the late former Secretary-General Kofi Annan, who aptly reminded us that:

“It is transparent and accountable institutions, not ‘strong men’ or strong leaders, that safeguard democracy and create the conditions for peace and prosperity.”

With this wise words of counsel in mind, let us take advantage of today’s high-level panel and discussions to share our experiences, our best practices, our challenges, and – most importantly – our solutions.

Beyond this panel discussion, I encourage Member States not to only strengthen the role of Ombudsman and Mediator Institutions – but to continue raising awareness among the general public to maximize their potential.

I wish you a fruitful deliberations, and assure you that a summary will be shared with all Member States in the coming days for their follow up – and also made available to the general public.


I thank you. 


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