Remarks by the President of the General Assembly

H.E Dennis Francis

at the Commemorative Meeting on the International Day of Nowruz

[As Delivered]

20 March 2024



Ladies, and Gentlemen,

Eid-eh Shoma Mobarak!

Let me begin by expressing my profound appreciation to His Excellency Amir Saeed Irvani, Permanent Representative of the Islamic Republic of Iran – together with your colleagues at the Missions of Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, India, Iraq, Pakistan, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Turkiye, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan – for the kind invitation in marking this important day, as proclaimed by the General Assembly in 2010.

Today’s commemorative event – to mark the International Day of Nowruz – is a celebration of unique significance as it stands as a profound testament to the resilience of cultures.

It is as well the renewal of hope, the value of the human spirit, and indeed of, empathy, friendship, and respect for nature.

Nowruz symbolizes rebirth and rejuvenation.

With Nowruz, we welcome the arrival of spring.

We mark the vernal equinox, when day and night all stand in perfect balance, heralding the arrival of longer days, warmer weather, and the blossoming of nature.

This spirit of festivity transcends borders, languages, and religions – bringing together millions of people worldwide.

I felicitate all of you who are linked to this ancient tradition – sharing the expression of joy, gratitude, and anticipation of the year ahead.

With its vibrant rituals, colourful decorations, and sumptuous feasts, I am delighted to see Nowruz in its exuberant celebration.


Dear Friends,

As we are confronted by the myriad of challenges – from conflict and climate to poverty and social injustice – Nowruz takes on additional significance.

In marking this crucial day, let us be reminded of our shared humanity and our collective responsibility – to work much harder to build a better, more inclusive world for the present and future generations alike.

On this day, I therefore, call for all to embrace the promise of new beginnings.

Let us take Nowruz as an opportunity to renew our commitment to achieve a shared future – that is characterized by nothing less than enduring peace, prosperity, progress, and sustainability for all.

Let us take Nowruz as a true symbol of resilience – in the face of adversity, chaos, and conflict.

In doing so, let us also be inspired by the words of the Persian poet, Hafez:

“Springtime is upon us, let us rejoice and be glad.”

May this Nowruz bring joy, prosperity, and blessings to all – and may it herald a new era of peace, harmony, and unity for our world.

Happy International Day of Nowruz!

I thank you.
