Natalia Gherman

Special Representative of the Secretary-General
United Nations Regional Centre for Preventive Diplomacy for Central Asia


Natalia Gherman during a field visit.



Please read the announcement of Natalia Gherman for more details about her background and experience before joining UNRCCA.


The Regional Centre is an example of political engagement and preventive efforts by the United Nations in support of Member States. It is mandated to liaise with the Governments of the region on issues relevant to preventive diplomacy; to provide monitoring and analysis; to maintain contact with regional organizations and facilitate coordination and information exchange. In addition, the Centre is to provide an overall framework and leadership for the preventive activities of the UN country teams and to maintain close contact with the UN Assistance Mission in Afghanistan to ensure a comprehensive and integrated analysis of the situation in the region.

The Centre's Mandate is specified in its triennial Programmes of Action designed in consultations with the Governments of Central Asian states.

To view the full text of the UNRCCA Mandate click here. 


(in English)

Interview with Natalia Gherman on the Secretary-General’s gender parity

Natalia Gherman with representatives of women organizations during her visit to Kyrgyzstan.


Natalia Gherman attends the ministerial meeting of Central Asian states.