Second retreat on Migration indicators for the post-2015 United Nations development agenda

New York

17 October 2014


In July 2014, the Open Working Group of the General Assembly on Sustainable Development Goals proposed a set of goals and targets to serve as the basis for incorporating sustainable development goals into the post-2015 development agenda. The outcome document of the OWG contained several targets which are of direct relevance to international migration, migrants and mobility.

The objective of the one-day technical retreat is to conduct an in-depth analysis of the measurability of the proposed targets and to evaluate potential indicators for their monitoring. One or more indicators will be proposed for each target. A template will be used to collect information about the proposed indicators. The template, to be distributed and completed in advance of the meeting, will address issues such as an operational definition, rationale for use of the indicator, method of computation, data sources and references, periodicity of measurement, gender and disaggregation issues, data limitations, and agencies involved in data collection, compilation or dissemination. At the retreat, agency representatives with expertise in each target area will present and lead discussion on submitted proposals. Indicators will be evaluated based on criteria presented in the report of the United Nations System Task Team, Statistics and indicators for the post-2015 development agenda.

The retreat will take into account the discussions during the first GMG retreat, which was held in January 2014. In particular, “Tier 1” indicators identified at that retreat should be assessed for their applicability to the OWG targets. The retreat also aims to take into account ongoing work on indicators tracking the human rights of migrants.

A summary of the retreat will be circulated shortly after the event. The possibility of a publication including the detailed outcome of the retreat is being considered.

Organized by Global Migration Group - Working Group on Data and Research (Co-chairs: Department of Economic and Social Affairs and the International Organization for Migration) in collaboration with: Global Knowledge Partnership on Migration and Development (World Bank) and the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Migration.


Organization of work

17 October 2014

09.30 – 13.00

Morning session 

I. Welcome, objectives and agenda

  • Bela Hovy, DESA; Frank Laczko, IOM

II. Elaborating the post-2015 United Nations development agenda: Taking stock and going forward. 

  • Chris Richter, IOM. The Open Working Group on SDGs and Technical Support Team. 

  • Gregory Maniatis. Perspectives from the SRSG on Migration.

  • Jessica Espey, Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN). Formulating targets and indicators for post-2015: The SDSN experience.

  • Keiko Osaki Tomita, United Nations Statistics Division, DESA. Towards an indicator framework for post-2015.


III. Developing migration related indicators: Review of progress

  • Frank Laczko, IOM. Orderly, safe, regular and responsible migration and mobility of people.

  • Jean-Christophe Dumont, OECD. Training and retention of health workers.

  • Kristiina Kangaspunta and Katharina Peschke, UNODC. Human trafficking, especially of women and children.

15.00 – 18.00

Afternoon session 

III.  Developing migration related indicators: Review of progress (continued)

  • Ryszard Cholewinski, ILO. Protection of migrant workers. 

  • Sonia Plaza, World Bank. Transaction costs of migrant remittances.

  • Grainne O’hara, UNHCR. Refugees and displaced persons.

  • Michelle Leighton, ILO. Migration costs, including recruitment.

  • Kerry Neal, UNICEF. Human rights indicators, data disaggregation and vulnerable groups.


IV. Other issues

  • Cheryl Sawyer, DESA. Latest request from the Technical Support Team. 

V. Next steps

VI. Concluding remarks


Background documents