Library Globalization

10: How our future depends on a girl at this decisive age.
She is 10 years old. Capable of rapidly absorbing wisdom and knowledge from those around her, she is poised to one day become an inspiring leader, a productive worker, an innovator, a caring parent or any of the other roles that power a thriving, dynamic society. She will shape the future of her community and our shared world.To read the publication, please visit: English/ FrenchSpanish/ Arabic/ Russian

World Youth Report 2005: Part. 1- Young People in a Global Economy (DESA)

This report, an official report to the General Assembly, called for a renewed committment to the goals of the World Programme of Action, since over 200 million youth were living in poverty, 130 million youth were illiterate, 88 million were unemployed and 10 million young people were living with HIV/AIDS. In the World Youth Report 2005, it is argued that too often, youth policy is driven by negative stereotypes of young people, including delinquency, drug abuse and violence. What seems to be forgotten is that young people are a positive force for development, peace, and democracy.To read the chapter, please visit here


World Youth Report 2003: Ch.11 – Young People in a Globalizing World (DESA)

The World Youth Report 2003 provides an overview of the global situation of young people. The first 10 chapters focus on the priority areas identified by the World Programme of Action for Youth (WPAY), adopted by the General Assembly in 1995. The remaining five chapters address some of the newer issues that were later identified as additional priorities for youth and were adopted by the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) in 2003.To read the chapter on globalization, please visit here 


“International Migration in a Globalizing World: The Role of Youth” (DESA) 2011 

This technical paper International Migration in a Globalizing World: The Role of Youth highlights the role of youth in international migration. The paper shows that youth and young adults, that is, those aged 18 to 29, are the most mobile among people of all ages. The paper discusses the main reasons for the migration of youth and young adults, including employment, education, family formation and reunification as well as conflict and persecution.

To read the full report click here.


“GMG Symposium on Migration and Youth: Harnessing Opportunities for Development- Symposium Report” (UNICEF) 2011 

In spite of the growing number of young people affected by international migration, youth has been largely absent from research, public debate and policies on migration and development. There are approximately 35 million international migrants between the ages of 10 and 24, which represent about 17 percent2 of the 214 million international migrants. Youth account for a large proportion of the persons changing their country of residence in any given year, proportions that can be up to 50 percent or higher in some countries. Moreover, the numbers of youth born to migrant parents and of children and youth affected by migration in countries of origin exceed this percentage by far. This is a synthesis report on the symposium on Migration and Youth held during 17–18 May 2011 at UNICEF House in New York and attended by over 200 high-level participants. The Symposium aimed at bringing together a wide range of experts and practitioners to discuss current knowledge identify research gaps, share good practices and present future trends in order to increase the positive impacts and minimize the negative effects of migration on the development prospects of youth.

To read the full report click here.


“Migration and Youth: Overcoming Health Challenges” (UNITER) 2011 

With over 26 million young migrants worldwide, this group can play a fundamental development role in countries of origin and destination. Nevertheless, their wellbeing can be compromised by lower health standards compared to local populations. Despite the progress made in recent years, young migrants remain vulnerable to a vast array of health risks including reproductive health related issues, sexually transmitted diseases and substance abuse. These issues are often linked to a lack of social integration, poverty, unsafe and unsanitary living environments and limited access to health care services.

To read the full report click here.


“Youth on the move: Analytical report” (European Commission) 2011 

The primary objective of the Flash Euro-barometer survey “Youth on the Move” was to looks at how mobile young people (aged 15 to 35) in Europe are for the purpose of education and work and how they view the attractiveness of different education settings. It also looked at their main concerns when seeking employment and their willingness to set up a business, or move to another country for employment.

To read the full report click here.


“2013 World Youth Report: Migration and youth” (DESA) 2013 

The United Nations 2013 World Youth Report offers a broad understanding of the situation of young migrants from the perspective of young migrants themselves. The report highlights some of the concerns, challenges and successes experienced by young migrants based on their own lives and told in their own voices. The report focuses largely on the phenomena of international migration which increasingly has a significant impact on the origin, transit and destination countries and communities. The consequences are complex, context-specific and subject to change over time. The Report has been drafted in an interactive manner, allowing you to navigate chapters individually.