70 years of development in 70 seconds: Eradicating Poverty

Since 1945, the United Nations have touched the lives of billions of people, facilitating momentous change in economic and social development worldwide.

In this series, the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs highlights 70 years of development in 70 seconds.

In this episode, we look at the way the United Nations and its member states have fought together to eradicate poverty. since 1990, more than 1 billion people have been lifted out of poverty, and with the implementation of the SDG's the international community is dedicated to completely eliminate poverty once and for all.

For more information on the 70th Anniversary of the United Nations: http://www.un.org/un70/en

Historical footage with thanks to the Prelinger archives: https://archive.org/details/prelinger

© United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs
File date: 
Friday, November 27, 2015