
  • Abdallah Bachar Bong


    • 2006: Master’s degree in History, Russian People’s Friendship University, Moscow, Russia 
    • 2004: Bachelor’s degree in International Relations, Russian People’s Friendship University, Moscow, Russia 

    Work experience

    2018 - Present: United Nations System

    • Chairman, Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions (2020-Present) and Member since 2018

    2008 - 2017: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Chad

    • Permanent Mission of the Republic of Chad to the United Nations, New York (2014 – 2017)
    • Charge d’affaires a.i Permanent Mission of the Republic of Chad to the United Nations (2016)
    • Deputy Permanent Representative of the Permanent Mission of the Republic of Chad to the United Nations (2017)
    • Vice-President of the Fifth Committee of the United Nations General Assembly (2015-2016)
    • Principal delegate to the Fifth Committee of the General Assembly in charge of administrative finance, and budget matters (2014-2017)
    • Chairman of the African Group in charge of the 5th Committee of the United Nations General Assembly (2016-2017)
    • Delegate to the Second Committee of General Assembly in charge of Least Developed Countries (LDC), Landlocked Developing countries (LLDC), and the implementation of 2030 agenda and financing for the development (2014-2016)
    • Chief Negotiator of the African Group of Experts for the 3rd International Conference on Financing for Development (2014-2015)
    • Member of the Chadian Expert team in charge of the United Nations Security Council (2014-2015)
    • Member of the UNDP/UNFPA/UNOPS Executive Boards (2016-2017)
    • Permanent Mission of the Republic of Chad to Ethiopia, the African Union, and the Economic Commission for Africa, Addis Ababa (2008-2013)
    • Chairman of the Expert Group of the PRC Sub-Committee on International Cooperation (2010-2012)
    • Principal Delegate of the Republic of Chad to the PRC sub-committee on Administrative, Financial and Budgetary matters (2008-2012)
    • Principal Delegate of the Republic of Chad to the African Union Peace and Security Council (2008-2010)
    • Member of the Subcommittees on Refugees and Internal Displaced Persons, Economic and Trade matters, and New Partnership for the Development of Africa (NEPAD) (2008-2012)

    Awards (and/or publications)

    Abdallah Bachar Bong




    2024 - 2026

    2021 - 2023

    2018 - 2020

  • Chiurazzi-Maxfield, Donna-Marie


    Work experience

    Awards (and/or publications)


    United States of America


  • Juliana Gaspar Ruas


    • Master's Degree in Diplomacy obtained at the Brazilian Diplomatic Academy (2010)
    • Law School, University of São Paulo (2005)

    Work experience

    • Joined the Brazilian Foreign Service in 2006 and dedicated most of her career to UN matters, both in Brasilia and while posted abroad. 
    • Served at the Brazilian Mission to the United Nations in New York (2012-2016) and at the Consulate-General of Brazil in Shanghai (2016-2018).
    • In New York, she was a Fifth Committee delegate and served as Vice-Chair of the Fifth Committee during the 67th session of the General Assembly. She also worked as an advisor on development issues in the office of the 69th President of the General Assembly.
    • Was a delegate to the Committee on Programme and Coordination on its 60th, 59th, 54th and 53rd sessions.

    Awards (and/or publications)

    Juliana Gaspar Ruas




    2024 - 2026

    2021 - 2023

  • Patrick A. Chuasoto

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  • Yves Éric Ahoussougbemey

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    • October 2002 - July 2004: Completion of Second Cycle of Benin National School of Administration and Magistracy in Diplomacy and International Relations. (Equivalent: MBA)
    • September 1991 - June 1993: Business Law and Judicial Careers Degree at the Faculty of Legal, Economic and Political Sciences at the National University of Abomey. (Equivalent: License)
    • September 1986 - June 1990: Diploma of the First Cycle of the National School of Administration in Diplomacy and International Relations. (Equivalent: License)
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    January 2019 to date: ACABQ Member

    •  Participate with the other 20 colleagues to perform the Committee main functions:
    • to examine and report on the budget submitted by the Secretary-General to the General Assembly;
    • to advise the General Assembly concerning any administrative and budgetary matters referred to it;
    • to examine on behalf of the General Assembly the administrative budgets of specialized agencies and proposals for financial arrangements with such agencies;
    • to consider and report to the General Assembly on the auditors' reports on the accounts of the United Nations and of the specialized agencies.

    • Director for Africa and Middle East Department, Executive Secretary, National Commission on Governance, APRM (October 2016 – December 2018).
    • Directed political, defense, and security policy across Africa and the Middle East, enhancing regional stability and cooperation.
    • Led the promotion of cooperation between Benin and the Islamic Cooperation Organization, strengthening international relations.
    • Oversaw the monitoring of activities of key Islamic financial organizations, fostering economic development in Benin.
    • Implemented national policies for regional and sub-regional integration, promoting economic and political collaboration.
    • Championed the implementation of NEPAD and the African Peer Review Mechanism, advancing governance and development.
    • Monitored security situations and conflicts in Africa, contributing to peacekeeping strategies and interventions.
    • Consul-General of Benin in New York (March 2015 - September 2016)
    • Managed diplomatic and consular operations across 48 US states, expanding Benin's diplomatic reach and influence.
    • Facilitated biometric registration and electoral participation for Beninese abroad, ensuring democratic engagement.
    • Developed cultural and trade promotion strategies, increasing Benin's visibility and economic interactions in the US.
    • Negotiated partnerships for health and education, enhancing social infrastructure in Benin with international support.
    • Second Counselor at the Permanent Mission of Benin to the United Nations (August 2008 - December 2014)
    • Led negotiations on administrative and budgetary issues, advocating for equitable resource distribution within the UN.
    • Represented Francophonie interests, promoting multilingualism and cultural diversity in UN resolutions.
    • Coordinated African Group's stance on peacekeeping, influencing global peacekeeping policies and practices.
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    Picture of ACABQ member Yves Eric Ahoussougbemey
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    2022 - 2024

    2019 - 2021

  • Makiese Kinkela Augusto

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    • Postgraduate Diploma in Leadership, Emeritus, in collaboration with MIT Management Executive Education, Colombia Business School and Tuck Executive Education at Dartmouth (2022)

    • LLM Master’s degree in Intellectual Property, WIPO Worldwide Academy, Geneva, in partnership with the Faculty of Law and legal Science, University of Yaoundé (2012)

    • LLM Bachelor’s degree in Accounting Finance and Business Administration from the European Institute of Economics and Social Studies of Brussels (Foundation Universitaire Mercure) (2001)
    • UMOJA Training for Managers of United Nations Budgetary Units finance by the Regular Budget-RB (2014)

    • Graduate in International Trade Law of WTO, Dispute Settlement and Trade Dispute from WTO Advisory Centre on WTO Law, ACWL, Geneva (2010)

    • Diploma of Diplomatic Attaché, Institute of International Relations, Ministry of External Relations of the Republic of Angola IRI, Luanda, Angola (2003)
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    • United Nations System Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Issues Committee Member (2019-present)

    • United Nations Human Rights Council Office, OHCHR, UNOG, Geneva (2013-2015)

    • Ministry of External Relations of the Republic of Angola
    • Permanent Mission of Angola to the United Nations, New York, USA
    • Minister Counsellor (2021)
    • Counsellor (2016-2018)
    • Permanent Mission of Angola, Geneva, Switzerland
    • First Secretary - responsible for Political Affairs and Human Rights (2011-2013)
    • Third Secretary - responsible for Economic and Trade Affairs and WTO, WIPO, UNCTAD issues (2007-2011)
    • Ministry of External Relations, Luanda, Angola
    • Third Secretary - responsible for Economic Affairs, ACP/European Union Economic Partnership Agreement between EU countries and ACP Countries (2002-2006)
    • Angolan Embassy, Democratic Republic of the Congo
    • Officer/Accountant at the Finances and Administrative Sector
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    Makiese Kinkela Augusto
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    2022 - 2024

    2019 - 2021

  • Udo Fenchel

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    • Budgetary and financial expert in New York, Geneva and Brussels.
    • Head of Division at the Federal Ministry of Finance in Berlin.
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    Udo  Fenchel
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    2023 - 2025

    2020 - 2022


  • Julia A. Maciel


    • Diplomatic Studies. Oxford University Postgraduate Programme in Foreign Service and Diplomatic Study (Chevening). England (1998)
    • Diplomacy. Diplomatic and Consular Academy of Asunción. Paraguay (1997)
    • Master of Architecture & Planning. Ball State University. USA (Fulbright) (1990)
    • Bachelor of Architecture. Universidad Nacional de Asunción. Paraguay (1988)

    Work experience

    • Member of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions (ACABQ). (2018-present). Vice-Chair (2019-2020)
    • Counsellor, Permanent Mission of Paraguay to the United Nations. NY. (2011-2017)
    • Technical Advisor to the Vice President and President of Paraguay. (2008-2011)
    • Consultant, Inter-American Development Bank. IDB /CISNI. (2006-2007)
    • Minister-Executive Secretary, Ministry of Planning for Economic and Social Development (STP). (2004-2005) (First woman Minister)
    • Technical Coordinator for International Cooperation Reform Program. USAID/ARD. (2001-2003)

    Awards (and/or publications)

    • Medalla Municipal al Mérito Domingo Martinez de Irala by the Capital City of Asunción, Paraguay (2020)
    • La Orden Nacional al Mérito by the Government of Paraguay (2019)
    • L’Ordre National du Méritee by the Government of the Republic of France (2006)
    • Chevening Fellowship by the British Government Chevening Foundation (1997)
    • Fulbright Fellowship by the Government of the United States(1989)
    • Fellowship by the Government of Korea. Seoul, Korea (2009)
    • Fellowship by the English Speaking Union. Oxford, England (1998)
    • Outstanding Junior of the Year by the Junior Chamber of Asunción, Paraguay (1998)
    • Paul Harris Fellow of the Rotary Foundation. Ambassador of Good Will, USA (2008)
    • AFS-International Intercultural Programs Fellow, New York, USA (1979)
    Julia Maciel




    2024 - 2026

    2021 - 2023

    2018 - 2020


  • Feliksas Bakanauskas


    • Master of Arts Degree in International Relations and Diplomacy, Institute of International Relations and Political Sciences, Vilnius University

    Work experience

    • Mission of Lithuania to the United Nations, New York (2017-2021) Representative at First Committee (disarmament and non-proliferation) and Fifth Committee (Administrative and budgetary matters)

    • European Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Lithuania, Vilnius (2014–2017) Coordination of national positions of Lithuania on the EU Enlargement policy and its implementation. Bilateral relations with Western Balkan countries and Turkey.

    • Permanent Mission of Lithuania to the European Union, Brussels (2011–2014) Responsible for the issues related to EU Enlargement policy and its implementation, as well as relations with Turkey and Western Balkan countries. Work during the Lithuanian Presidency of the EU Council (Second half of 2013).

    • European Union Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Lithuania, Vilnius (2008–2011) Preparatory work for the Lithuanian Presidency of the EU Council: budgetary and human resource management issues. EU general and institutional affairs.

    Private Sector

    • Project manager, team leader (2004–2008) - Work at a private company creating and installing festive city and building illuminations

    Awards (and/or publications)

    Feliksas Bakanauskas




    2024 - 2026

    2021 - 2023 

  • Amjad Qaid Al Kumaim

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    • 2013 - Master Degree in Public Policy (Finance and Development Policy), KDI school of public policy and management, (Grade 3.92/4,Estimation: Excellent) Seoul, South Korea.
    • 2007 - Master Degree in Public Administration, Faculty of Business Administration, Jordanian university, (Grade 3.75 /4, Estimation: Excellent) Amman, Jordan.
    • 2004 - Bachelor Degree, faculty of Trade and Commerce, University of Sana’a, (Grade: 90.19, Estimation: Excellent, Ranking the first on my batch) Sana’a, Yemen.
    • 2011 - Diploma in Politics and international Relations, La Societa Italiana Per L'Organizzazione Internazionale , Rome, Italy.
    • 1998 - High school.
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    • January 2019- Present: - Vice-Chair and/or a member of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions
    • 2014 – 2018: – Head of section for budgets and administrative matters, Development, Social and Humanitarian Division in Yemen Mission to the UN (responsible for 5th committee, 2nd Committee, 3rd Committee and Election Officer), Head of Yemen delegation to many international conferences and formal and informal negotiations.
    • 2009 - 2014 - Diplomat in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Member of Minister office, Head of the Horn of Africa Division, Europe Department, and international organizations).
    • 2008 -2013 - Lecturer at the Future University and the University of Modern Science (Public Finance, Public Reform, Business Management and Public Policy and Administration) (Academic Position)
    • 2007-2009- Head of the Business Organizing and Development at Alrwaishan group (Private Sector)
    • 2001 – 2005 Financial and administration officer at ALMithaly CO. For Building 
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    • DAAD Scholarship (German Academic Exchange Service)
    • KOICA Scholarship (Korea International Cooperation Agency)
    • Award of Achievement from University of Sana'a.
    • Award of Excellence  from University of Jordan  
    • Certificate of Appreciation from Ministry of Foreign Affairs
    • Certificate of Appreciation from Future University
    • Certificate of Appreciation from University of Modern Science
    • Certificate of Appreciation from Sana’a University

    Picture of ACABQ member Amjad Al Kumaim
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    2022 - 2024

    2019 - 2021

  • Nabil Kalkoul


    • 2012-present: University of Law and Administrative Sciences, Algiers – Algeria Preparation of PhD focused on international administrative sciences
    • 2007-2009: University of Law and Administrative Sciences, Algiers – Algeria Master in Public Law, focus on State and Management of Public Institutions
    • 2004 : Ecole Nationale d’Administration ENA, Algiers – Algeria Bachelor of Arts in Finance and Administration

    Work experience

    • Jan 2021-present: United Nations, New York. Member of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions (ACABQ).
    • Aug 2017-Dec 2020: Permanent Mission of Algeria to the United Nations, New York.

    First Secretary

    • Dec 2015-Aug 2017: Ministry of Foreign Affairs - Algiers, Algeria Head of the Division of Sahel at the General Directorate of Africa.
    • Aug 2013-Dec 2015: Ministry of Foreign Affairs - Algiers, Algeria Attaché de Cabinet, Cabinet of the Minister of Foreign Affairs.
    • Jul 2008-Aug 2013: Algerian Embassy and Permanent Mission to the African Union (AU) and the United Nations Economic Commission to Africa (ECA) Addis-Ababa, Ethiopia.

     First Diplomatic Attaché

    • Mar 2005-Jun 2008: Ministry of Foreign Affairs - Algiers, Algeria Head of Office, Department of Human Resources Sept 2004 - Mar 2005: Ministry of Finance - Algiers, Algeria
    • Principal Inspector, General Direction of Customs.


    • Consideration of the UN Secretary-General’s reports containing administrative and budgetary proposals prior to their submission and adoption by the UN Member States at the 76th and 77th UNGA sessions.
    • Part of the co-facilitators (Algeria) team during the intergovernmental negotiations on the repositioning of the United Nations Development System which culminated with the adoption of the resolution 72/279.
    • Negotiating the restructuring of the UN peace and security pillar adopted by resolution 72/262C as well as the UN- Secretary General reforms aiming to shifting the management paradigm in the Organization, adopted by resolution 72/266.
    • Enhancing and strengthening bilateral cooperation between Algeria and the countries of the Sahel region, through the participation to multiple High Level meetings and bilateral high level joint commissions.
    • Managing the Secretariat of the inter-Malian peace negotiations held in Algiers, which were crowned by the signing of the Peace and Reconciliation Agreement in Bamako (Mali), in May 2015.
    • Member of the African Union Sub-Committees in charge of budgetary, administrative, financial, structure, conference, programs, as well as the Sub-Committee on New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD).

    Awards (and/or publications)

    Nabil Kalkoul




    2021 - 2023

  • Suzuki, Yoriko

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  • Olivio Fermín


    Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) in Political Science: International Relations, City University of New York, York College

    Work experience

    • 2020 – Present:  Member of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions of the United Nations (ACABQ)

    • 2008 – 2020:  Minister Counsellor, Permanent Mission of the Dominican Republic to The United Nations, and representative to the Fifth Committee of the United Nations General Assembly

    • 2000-2008:  Counsellor, Permanent Mission of the Dominican Republic to the United Nations, and representative to the Fifth Committee of the United Nations General Assembly

    • 1999-2000:  First Secretary, Permanent Mission of the Dominican Republic to the United Nations, and representative to the Fifth Committee of the United Nations General Assembly

    Awards (and/or publications)

    Olivio Fermín


    Dominican Republic


    2023 - 2025

    2020 - 2022

  • Marcel Jullier


    Work experience

    Awards (and/or publications)




  • Ye Xuenong

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  • Cihan Terzi


    Main studies

    • 1993 – 1995:          Master of Business Administration (MBA), University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, USA
    • 1981 – 1985:          Bachelor’s in Economics, Faculty of Political Sciences, University of Ankara, Türkiye

    Short term studies

    • 2005:                      Accounting, New York University, USA
    • 2002:                      Fiscal decentralization and local government financial management, Duke University, USA
    • 2000:                      Financial programming and policies, International Monetary Fund Institute, USA
    • 1998:                      Tax analysis and revenue forecasting, Harvard University, USA

    Work experience

    Member, Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions (ACABQ)

    • 2018-2023:             Member
    • 2019:                      Chairman

    Inspector, Joint Inspection Unit of the United Nations system (JIU)

    • 2014:                      Chairman
    • 2013:                      Vice Chairman
    • 2006 – 2015:          Inspector

    During the term of office in JIU, Cihan Terzi authored and co-authored many reports, notes, management letters[1] in different areas including, inter alia, internal audit, procurement reform, enterprise risk management, consultancies, offshoring, long-term agreements in procurement, voluntary contributions, management reviews, junior professional officers, trust funds, working capital fund, regional presence.

    Fifth Committee Delegate, Permanent Mission of Türkiye to the United Nations

    • 2002 – 2005:          Financial Counsellor (Responsible for the Fifth Committee issues)

    National Experience

    Director and Inspector, Ministry of Finance of Türkiye

    • 2016 – 2017:          Senior Inspector
    • 1997 – 2002:          Director of Department

    Responsible for preparation and monitoring of national budget; tax policy; public financial management projects; statistics and research; information and communications system. In this capacity activities included preparation and monitoring revenue budget, working on financial and economic reforms, negotiations with IMF and the World Bank, participating OECD meetings, managing major information and communication technology projects.

    • 1985 – 1996          Inspector

    Awards (and/or publications)

    1995 – present  Certified Public Accountant (CPA)

    Cihan Terzi




    2021 - 2023

    2018 - 2020

  • Caroline Nalwanga


    • Masters in Contemporary Diplomacy University of Malta (2009 -2011)
    • Bachelor of Development Studies, Makerere University (1999-2002)
    • Leadership Fellows Program (2016-2017), The New York City Leadership Centre, New York

    Professional Development

    1. Seminar Negotiations and Decision making in the context of the United Nations UNITAR/Clingendael Academy (2016) 

    1. Microsoft Certified-Microsoft Dynamics 6.0 and Business Solutions Partner Akili Africa (2010)

    1. Economic Coordination and Integration and Planning (IDEP)African Institute for Economic Development (2006)                                                                       
    2. Budgetary Management and Expenditure Control Uganda Management Institute, Kampala (2004)

    1. Public Procurement and Disposal Public procurement and Disposal framework of Assets Authority (PPDA), Kampala (2004)

    1. Participatory Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning Lutheran World Relief, Nairobi-Kenya (2003)

    Work experience

    • Member of the U.N. Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions (ACABQ) (January 2021-December 2023)

    • Representative of Uganda to the U.N. General Assembly Administrative and Budgetary Committee (Fifth Committee), Permanent Mission of the Republic of Uganda to the United Nations, New York-USA (2014-2020)

    • Head of Division, Europe Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs (July 2012- October 2014) 

    • Accounting Officer/First Secretary/Political Officer Uganda High Commission, Kigali, Rwanda (2008-2012)

    • Desk Officer Rwanda/Burundi/ DRC/Sudan/IGAD Ministry of Foreign Affairs (2004-2007)

    • Project Manager, Lutheran World Relief Funded Program on HIV/AIDS Mukono and Kayunga Districts, Uganda (2003-2004)

    • Volunteer Uganda National NGO Forum (2001- 2002)

    Work assignments

    • Budget preparation, Project implementation, monitoring, evaluation, and reporting.
    • Supervisory role over five (05) staff, 100 volunteers.
    • Secretary to Board of Directors and Donors meetings.
    • Designed the startup of microfinance groups and the disbursement of relief such as medicine and food to over 1200 HIV affected persons in Kayunga and Mukono Districts in Uganda.
    • Preparation of Information Communication and Training materials for both the microfinance and HIV training components of the project and continuously analyse training needs for staff, volunteers, and ensured the acquisition of the skills.
    • Border Demarcation program under COMESA
    • Member Refugee eligibility Committee
    • Participant EU – ACP negotiations
    • Election Monitoring and reporting (various countries) in the Greatlakes and East Africa under COMESA.
    • Chair of the Africa Group during the 73rd Session of the U.N. General Assembly
    • Vice-Chair of the Africa Group during the 72nd Session of the U.N. General Assembly
    • Chair/coordinator of the African group 73rd

    Awards (and/or publications)

    1. The role of Men in Women Organisations a case study of Uganda (2002)
    2. The Changing Trends in Diplomatic Communication: A Case Study of Uganda (2011)

    Caroline Nalwanga




    2024 - 2026

    2021 - 2023


  • Jakub Chmielewski

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    • 1992-1994: Institute of History, University of Warsaw

    • 1995-2000: Institute of English Studies, University of Warsaw

    • 2000-2002: Polish Academy of Sciences, Institute of Arts (doctoral studies in semantics)

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    • 2016-2021: Counsellor, Mission of Poland to the United Nations, Administrative and Budgetary Committee of the General Assembly (Fifth Committee), Vice-Chair for UNGA 75th

    • 2019-2021: member of the United Nations Committee on Contributions

    • 2017-2018: Vice-Chair of the United Nations Committee on Information (49th and 50th sessions, acting Chair for 49th Session)

    • 2017-2018: delegate of Poland to 57th and 58th sessions of the Committee for Programme and Coordination

    • 2017-2018: delegate of Poland to Intergovernmental Negotiations for Security Council Reform

    • 2017-2018: delegate of Poland to negotiations on Revitalization of the work of the General Assembly

    • 2018-2019: in charge of European files during Poland’s non-permanent membership in the Security Council

    • 2011-2016: Bread of Life Foundation (NGO combating social exclusion and homelessness), head of resource mobilisation public relations

    • 2009-2011 Warsaw City Hall, public information and NGO policy

    • 2007-2009 KARTA Center Foundation for Reconciliation in Central Europe (NGO), research fellow

    • 2005-2006 Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Poland, Diplomatic Academy, International Legal Review editorial staff

    • 2000-2005 Young&Rubicam, multimedia and communication campaigns design
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    Jakub Chmielewski
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    2022 - 2024

  • Sharon Brennen-Haylock

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    • Howard University
    • New York University
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    • 1982 – 2002: Foreign Service of The Bahamas
    • 2016 – 2021: Director General of the Foreign Service

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    • Paul L. Adderley Award for Excellence in the Foreign Service
    • Officer of the Order of the Belgian Crown
    • Various papers on topics such as LDCs, SIDs, Climate Change, Food Security, Rural Development and Gender Equality

    Sharon Brennen-Haylock
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    2022 - 2024

  • Evgeny Kalugin

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    Faculty of International Relations, Moscow State Institute (University) of International Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation (2003)

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    20 years of work experience in dealing with international organizations, including 16 years on administrative and budgetary issues (management, oversight, governance, finance and human resources). Participated in numerous meetings in the UN (General Assembly Fifth Committee, ECOSOC, UNCC, ECE), its Funds and Programmes (UNDP, UNICEF, UNEP, UNFPA), its Special Agencies (WHO, ILO, WIPO, WMO, ITU, UNIDO, UPU) and other international organisations (Council of Europe, OECD, OPCW).

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    Evgeny Kalugin
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    Russian Federation
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    2024 - 2026

    2022 - 2023



  • Surendra Kumar Adhana

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    Bachelor of Technology in Electronics & Communication

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    A career diplomat, who previously worked in Indian Mission in Moscow and Houston, he has an extensive administrative and budgetary experience working in India and abroad. He was part of the core diplomatic team in Moscow, which concluded multiple path breaking agreements in trade, technology, culture, emergency & disaster management, defense, nuclear, and space cooperation. In addition, he was closely associated with successful organization of Indian leaderships’ visit to G20, and BRICS.  In Houston, he developed extensive bridges with business community, chambers of commerce, industries, universities and half a million strong Indian diaspora.  During this period, the India-Texas bilateral trade grew over US$10 billion. Later, during COVID-19 pandemic period, he headed India’s largest Passport Office in Delhi and processing over a million passport cases.

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    Surendra Adhana
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    2022 - 2026