Invest in Security

Safety & security: never more critical

In the current global security environment, the role of safety and security in enabling United Nations programmes has never been more critical. The UN is now operating in the most challenging and volatile parts of the world and projections suggest the security environment in programme areas will not improve.

No programme without security,
No security without resources.

Ensuring the safety and security of personnel in UN operations is vital not only for fulfilling the Organization’s duty of care to staff, but critical to protecting the investments of Member States in the execution of the UN mandate. Consistent with the UN objective to “stay and deliver”, it is our shared responsibility to ensure that there is “no programme without security, no security without resources”.

A man carries a girl-child wearing a safety vest. They are moving along watery shores amidst other refugees.

Humanitarian aid is vital in this global refugee crisis ©UNHCR/Achilleas Zavallis

More information

To enable the safe delivery of programmes, UNDSS needs adequate, flexible and predictable resources.

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