
Young women and men in their graduation attire raise a 'thumbs up' as they take a group photo in the playground of a school.

A New Chapter: UNRWA honours Class of 2019

school lesson under a bridge

For the past nine years, Rajesh Kumar Sharma has been operating a makeshift school between two pillars of the aerial metro that runs across India’s capital. More than 200  children from the surrounding slums attend this open-air classroom every day.

Kenya, a group of students at Angelina Jolie Elementary School in Kakuma.

In Kakuma refugee camp in north-western Kenya, girls are empowered by their new-found passion for computer coding.

teacher and student at blackboard

Held annually on 5 October, World Teachers’ Day commemorates the anniversary of the adoption of the 1966 ILO/UNESCO Recommendation concerning the Status of Teachers. In 2019, World Teachers’ Day is celebrating teachers with the theme, “Young Teachers: The future of the Profession.” The day provides an occasion to celebrate the teaching profession worldwide, to take stock of achievements, and to address some of the issues central to attracting and keeping the brightest minds and young talents in the profession. 

Innayatou Souradji watched her mother and grandmother work hard at home and in the fields without having the opportunity to go to school. She is determined not to follow that same path and dreams of becoming a doctor when she finishes her studies.

Education is Oxygen

For Palestine refugee students living in the occupied Palestinian territory, the route to school can be full of challenges. However, UNRWA schools represent safe spaces, to learn, to explore, places where they can breathe.

Literacy and Multilingualism

Despite progress made, literacy challenges persist.

Yasmina, special needs student in Bangladesh

Inclusive education in Bangladesh