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Final Report - Governing AI for Humanity


United Nations Secretary-General’s video message for launch of the Final Report of the High-level Advisory Body on Artificial Intelligence:

Governing AI for Humanity - Final Report

AREN | ES | FR | RU | ZH

The United Nations Secretary-General’s High-level Advisory Body on AI’s Final Report, “Governing AI for Humanity,” builds on months of work, including extensive global consultations, and the publication of an interim report in December 2023. ​

Proposals for Global Governance on AI

This report outlines a blueprint for addressing AI-related risks and sharing its transformative potential globally, including by:​

  • ​Urging the UN to lay the foundations of the first globally inclusive and distributed architecture for AI governance based on international cooperation;​
  • Proposing seven recommendations to address gaps in current AI governance arrangements;​
  • Calling on all governments and stakeholders to work together in governing AI to foster development and protection of all human rights.​

​This includes light institutional mechanisms to complement existing efforts and foster inclusive global AI governance arrangements that are agile, adaptive and effective to keep pace with AI’s evolution.​

Extensive Global Consultations​

The report is the product of extensive consultations, involving more than 2,000 participants across all regions of the world, including via:​

  • 18 deep-dive discussions on key issues with top experts​
  • More than 50 consultation sessions across all regions​
  • More than 250 written submissions from over 150 organizations and 100 individuals​

The Advisory Body also commissioned an AI Risk Global Pulse Check – the most comprehensive global horizon scanning exercise on AI risks to date – and an AI Opportunity Scan to crowdsource expert assessments of emerging AI trends.​