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Observances Bulletin Outreach Accessibility
United Nations : DESA : Gateway to Social Policy and Development : Persons with Disabilities
Internet Accessibility for the 21st Century : Accessibility 1998

Bobby Approved Current as of 4 May 1999


Logs of the Internet Accessibility Text Chat Sessions

Image of John Mathiason seated in front of his computer.

The Seminar on Internet Accessibility is developing through four on-line "chat" sessions, using real-time text-based interaction. The logs of the chat sessions that have already been completed can be accessed from this list of hyperlinks:

April 13: Distance Collaboration with Matt Bonham.

April 20: Planning of Internet Usage with John Mathiason.

April 27: Organizing of Information and Data Bases with Chuck Kuhlman.

May 4: Design of Accessible Web Pages with Leo Valdes.

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