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Monday, 28 February Tuesday, 1 March Wednesday, 2 March Thursday, 3 March
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Tuesday, 8  March 

Observance of International Women's Day - Follow-up to the Economic and Social Council resolutions and decisions - Introduction of proposals including provisional agenda for fiftieth session of the Commission on the Status of Women - CSW Working Methods.
[Webcast: Archived Video - AM session - 2 hours 43 minutes]

Panel IV: Remaining challenges in relation to statistics and indicators, building on the discussions at the High-level round table organized in the 48th session of the Commission 2004 as well as available data from the World's Women: Trends and Statistics (2005) and the World Survey on the Role of Women in Development (2005)
[Webcast: Archived Video - PM session - ]

3:00 - 6:00 P.M.

Mr. A. Waafas Ofosu-Amaah, Sector Manager (Acting)
Gender and Development

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Ms. Thoraya Obaid
Executive Director

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Ms. Rima Salah
Deputy Executive Director

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Director, New York Office

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Gender, Women and Health

Video - English  
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Ms. Sanye Gulser Corat
Chief Coordinator for women and gender programmes

Video - English  
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