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Side-events to the
Seventh Session of the Ad Hoc Committee
16 January - 03 February 2006



Monday 16 January 2006


Name of Organization: International Disability Caucus
Theme: Welcome session for new participants in the Ad Hoc Committee Meetings
Speakers: Tina Minkowitz, Maria Reina

Venue: Conference Room C


Name of Organization: Bizchut - The Israel Human Rights Center for People with Disabilities
Theme: Justice for All? Making the legal process accessible for People with Disabilities
Speakers: Tirza Leibowitz, Neta Dagan

Venue: Conference Room D

Tuesday 17 January 2006


Name of Organization: Canada, World Network of Users and Survivors of Psychiatry, MindFreedom Int., Inclusion International, Canadian Association for Community Living
Theme: Exercising legal capacity through supported decision-making
Speakers: Marit Rasmussen, Amita Dhanda, Maths Jesperson, Micheal Bach, Myra Kovary, others

Venue: Conference Room C


Name of Organization: World Committee on Disability & Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt Institute
Theme: Franklin Delano Roosevelt International Disability Award
Speakers: To be announced

Venue: Conference Room D

Name of Organization: Permanent Mission of Austria to the United Nations
Theme: EU Briefing for NGOs
Speakers: Austrian delegation
Venue: Conference Room 6

Wednesday 18 January 2006


Name of Organization: Disabled Peoples' International
Theme: Visibility of Women with Disabilities in the UN Convention
Speakers: Dinah Radtke, Dr. Sigrid Arnade

Venue: Conference Room C


Name of Organization: Rehabilitation International, Save the Children
Theme: Raising the voices of Children and Young People with Disabilities
Speakers: Nazma Akter (Bangladesh, age 15), Nazmul Huda Rubel (Bangladesh, age 16), Nancy McGuire (UK, age 19), Lucia Bellini (UK, age 21), Yao Yue (China, age 18), Shi Yanxia (China, age 26), Gerison Lansdown (Save the Children), Helen Schulte (UNICEF), Tomas Lagerwall (RI)

Venue: Conference Room D

Thursday 19 January 2006


Name of Organization: Interamerican Institute on Disability & Handicap International
Theme: The South Project
Speakers: Luis Fernando Astorga

Venue: Conference Room C


Name of Organization: Yad Sarah
Theme: Yad Sarah - Israel's major Humanitarian Organization, goes global
Speakers: Adele Goldberg, Director, Friends of Yad Sarah, New York

Venue: Conference Room D

Friday 20 January 2006


Name of Organization: The World Bank
Theme: Alliances for Inclusive Development
Speakers: Disability and Inclusive Development Team

Venue: Conference Room C


Name of Organization: Inclusion International
Theme: Self-Advocacy: Unique Perspectives on Inclusion
Speakers: To be announced

Venue: Conference Room D

Name of Organization: All Japan Association of Hard of Hearing People, International Federation of Hard of Hearing People, Japan Disability Forum and Permanent Mission of Japan to the United Nations
Theme: The requests of worldwide hard of hearing and late-deafened people
Speakers: Marcia B. Dugan, Jan Peter Stromgren, Yukihito Kiyonari, Tadashi Takaoka
Venue: Conference Room 9

Monday 23 January 2006


Name of Organization: Rehabilitation International
Theme: Links between HIV/AIDS, Poverty and Disability
Speakers: Dr. Nora Groce (Yale University), Gidion Mandesi (DOLASED-Tanzania), a representative of UNICEF, Michael Fox (RI)

Venue: Conference Room B


Name of Organization: World Health Organization
Theme: Health (not just medical) as a Fundamental Right of the Disabled
Speakers: Dr. Federico Montero, Dr. Javier Vasquez

Venue: Conference Room 10

Name of Organization: Permanent Mission of Austria to the United Nations
Theme: EU Briefing for NGOs
Speakers: Austrian delegation
Venue: Conference Room 8

Name of Organization: DESA
Theme: Lunchtime discussion with CEDAW members; Experience in the work of CEDAW and its implications for the human rights of women and men with disabilities
Speakers: Members of the Committee on Elimination of all forms of discrimination against women

Venue: Conference Room 4

Tuesday 24 January 2006


Name of Organization: Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights
Theme: Briefing on Current discussions of treaty body reform
Speakers: To be announced

Venue: Conference Room 10


Name of Organization: UNESCO
Theme: The Role of the Convention in Education for All
Speakers: To be announced

Venue: Conference Room B

Wednesday 25 January 2006


Name of Organization: Disabled Peoples' International
Theme: International Cooperation
Speakers: Giampiero Griffo, Dinah Radtke

Venue: Conference Room 10


Name of Organization: Leonard Cheshire International
Theme: Multi-Sectoral Collaboration in Mainstreaming Disability
Speakers: Tjiueza Tjombumbi, Jabulani M. Ncube, Tanya Baron

Venue: Conference Room B

Thursday 26 January 2006


Name of Organization: Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights
Theme: Discussion on possible options for the monitoring mechanisms
Speakers: To be announced

Venue: Conference Room 10


Name of Organization: Arab Organization of Disabled People
Theme: Disabled People in the Arab World: Future Outlook
Speakers: Dr. Nawaf Kabbara

Venue: Conference Room B

Friday 27 January 2006


Name of Organization: BCODP, CSIE, DEE and SCOPE, UK
Theme: Developing Inclusive Education: Challenging segregation in Education
Speakers: Richard Rieser, Linda Shaw, Tara Flood

Venue: Conference Room B


Name of Organization: World Blind Union
Theme: Kurzweil National Federation of the Blind Handheld Reading Machine
Speakers: Dr. Marc Maurer, President, National Federation of the Blind

Venue: Conference Room 10

Name of Organization: Permanent Mission of the United States to the United Nations
Theme: The Americans with Disabilities Act of the United States: A model that works
Speakers: Richard Thornburgh, John Wodatch, Harold Snider, Patricia Morrissey

Venue: Conference Room 8

Monday 30 January 2006


Name of Organization: Arab Organization of Disabled People
Theme: Disabled Women in the Arab World
Speakers: Ms. Heba Haggras

Venue: Conference Room C


Name of Organization: The Victor Pineda Foundation, Rehabilitation International, WITNESS
Theme: Media is the Message: Creating a Disability Media Alliance
Speakers: Tomas Lagerwall, Victor Pineda, Violeta Krasnic, Vesna Skulic, Edoardo Bellando, Michael Fried

Venue: Conference Room D

Name of Organization: Permanent Mission of Austria to the United Nations
Theme: EU Briefing for NGOs
Speakers: Austrian delegation
Venue: Conference Room 5

Tuesday 31 January 2006


Name of Organization: Rehabilitation International
Theme: Implementation of the UN Convention
Speakers: Anuradha Mohit (National Human Rights Institute), Gerard Quinn (National University of Ireland – Galway), Michael Stein (Harvard University) and Tomas Lagerwall (RI)

Venue: Conference Room C


Name of Organization:

Venue: Conference Room D

Wednesday 01 February 2006


Name of Organization: Disabled Peoples' International
Theme: Disabled Women and the UN Convention
Speakers: Dinah Radtke

Venue: Conference Room C


Name of Organization: The Cambodia Trust
Theme: 400 Million R
Speakers: Chris Moon, Caroline Casey

Venue: Conference Room D

Thursday 02 February 2006


Name of Organization: Persons with Pain International, Respectful Interfaces - CCC/UN
Theme: Partnering between Persons with Disabilities and Supportive Allies, Sharing experiences in Tunis
Speakers: Multistakeholder, To be announced

Venue: Conference Room C


Name of Organization: Center for International Rehabilitation
Theme: Improving accessibility: Governmental and Civil Society perspectives
Speakers: Izabel Maior- CORDE National Coordinating Board for the Integration of People with Disabilities,Brazil; John Wodatch - Chief, Disability Rights Section, U.S. Dept. of Justice; Plamenko Priganica - Landmine Survivors Network Director, Bosnia - Herzegovina

Venue: Conference Room 5

Friday 03 February 2006


Name of Organization: Little People of Kosovo
Theme: Promotion Packet Program of Disability Mentoring Day
Speakers: Hiljmnijeta Apuk

Venue: Conference Room C


Name of Organization:




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