G7 commitment regarding hunger and malnutrition
Type | Government announcement |
Country | Germany |
Government type | Central government |
Scope | Global |
Themes | Agriculture and food security |
G7 Elmau commitment of June 2015: “As part of a broad effort involving our partner countries, and international actors, and as a significant contribution to the Post 2015 Development Agenda, we aim to lift 500 million people in developing countries out of hunger and malnutrition by 2030.”
G7 countries, developing partner countries, international actors
see above; specific targets spelling out the way to go forward in the fields of dynamic transformation of the rural world, responsible investment and agriculture, nutrition, food security and nutrition in conflict and crises are spelt out in the G7 Annex on a “Broader Food Security and Nutrition Development Approach”; June 2015, Elmau
Indicators are being developed as part of the G7 accountability exercise.
see Annex to the G7 Leaders`Declaration on Food Security: “We today commit to working with our partners to mobilize the resources necessary to aim to lift 500 million people in developing countries out of hunger and malnutrition by 2030.”
2030 – see commitment above