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Fourth United Nations Conference on the Least Developed Countries 30 May - 3 June 2011, Turkey

CSO Steering Committee

Civil society organizations have a substantive role of ensuring a meaningful success of LDC IV, given their ability to provide an honest account of the impacts of policies and how they affect the daily lives of ordinary households in LDCs and unique capacity to forge grand coalitions that transcend borders.

The Steering Committee members

  • Dr. Arjun Karki-- LDC Watch
  • Barry Coates -- Oxfam
  • Demba Moussa Dembele -- African Forum on Alternatives
  • Lidy Nacpil -- Asia Pacific Movement on Debt and Development
  • Simon Stocker -- Eurostep
  • Roberto Bissio -- Social Watch
  • Azeb Girmai -- ENDA- Ethiopia


The Steering Committee main responsibilities

  • Providing guidance and direction for civil society participation in the LDC IV process

  • Determining and planning the civil society meetings and events necessary to ensure meaningful civil society participation in the LDC IV process

  • Deciding the substantive agenda of the civil society meetings during the preparatory process and the LDC IV Conference

  • Determining the form and composition of civil society participation in LDC-IV preparatory process and conference in accordance with UN rules of procedure, and

  • Supporting the work of the LDC-IV civil society secretariat.

The steering committee will meet at least 4 times during the preparatory process. Two of the meetings will be scheduled to coincide with the meetings of the Preparatory Committee.  Members of the Steering Committee will also be asked to oversee specific roles in the preparatory process.

Civil Society Steering Committee Bio