New York

11 September 2012

Statement by the Secretary-General on the adoption of General Assembly resolution A/Res/66/290 on Human Security on 11 September 2012

Ban Ki-Moon, Former Secretary-General

The General Assembly resolution on human security adopted yesterday marks an important milestone in a common understanding of human security at the United Nations.

The adoption of the resolution (A/Res/66/290) is both timely and significant.  Guided by the principles of the United Nations Charter, human security brings together the three pillars of the Organization and seeks to promote greater coherence in our response to various challenges facing people worldwide.

Today’s complex and interrelated threats – natural disasters, violent conflicts, crises in the food, health and economic sectors – pose enormous challenges to the survival, livelihood and dignity of millions of people across the globe.  With adoption of this resolution we have reached a common understanding of human security from which we can further strengthen our activities and extend the reach of human security to all.

I commend Member States and the co-facilitators for their tireless efforts and their collaborative spirit in reaching this common understanding on human security.

We must seize this opportunity to advance the application of human security at the field level and expand collaboration at the international, regional and national levels.