Washington, DC

14 June 2014

Secretary-General's video message to Kennedy Center Event for the people in the Philippines "After the Storm"

Ban Ki-Moon, Former Secretary-General

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Thank you for coming together for this special concert.

I visited the Philippines soon after Typhoon Haiyan.  I will never forget the devastation. 

And yet there was something that moved me even more – the resilience of the survivors.  They lost everything but not their hope.

United Nations humanitarians worked hand in hand with Filipinos to provide more than four million people with food. We helped with emergency shelter and immunized more than 100,000 children.

Despite progress over the past seven months, millions remain in need.  They are looking to us.

Thank you for showing your support and solidarity tonight.  

Together, let us let us show the people of the Philippines that we will be there for them after the storm and all the days to come.