New York

06 June 2012

Secretary-General's remarks to informal meeting of the General Assembly on the launch of the Integrated Implementation Framework

Ban Ki-Moon, Former Secretary-General

We are here today to launch the Integrated Implementation Framework.

Let me begin by thanking the governments of Canada, the Republic of Korea, and especially Nigeria for their support and generosity.

I would also like to acknowledge the support of the United Nations Chief Executives Board (CEB) as well as the hard work of the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA), the Millennium Campaign, and the Office of Information and Communications Technology.

The IIF is a concrete global follow-up to the 2010 MDG Summit and the General Assembly mandate to report on progress in the implementation of the Millennium Development Goals.

Starting today, we have a tool that is available and accessible to anyone in the world – a one-stop shop to monitor all commitments made by Member States to help meet the Millennium Development Goals.

The IIF website may be one small mouse click for a computer user – but it is a big leap in our efforts to enhance mutual accountability to achieve global development goals. 

The time is right.  Member States have made numerous commitments to support the MDGs. Yet, delivery has not been satisfactory on all fronts.

When we do not fully deliver on our commitments, our collective credibility in the eyes of people we serve is at stake.

Of course, by itself, the IIF will not solve this challenge.

It will, however, highlight delivery gaps … identify inconsistencies across commitments … and pinpoint disparities between what is required to achieve the MDGs and what has been provided.

In this way, it will enhance effectiveness, increase accountability and strengthen global partnerships.

These issues have been a focus of recent UN meetings, including last year’s Fourth High-Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness in Busan and the Fourth United Nations Conference on the Least Developed Countries in Istanbul.

Going forward, I expect all stakeholders, including Member States, organizations of the UN system, other related international organizations, the private sector and civil society groups to make full use of this tool.

I invite all of you to use the IIF as a reference during your deliberations at next month’s Development Cooperation Forum.

Ladies and gentlemen,

This new accountability framework is going live at an important moment in the life of the MDGs.  We are making progress.

The right policies matched with the right resources are making a difference.

We have already met the global target of halving the proportion of people living in extreme poverty.

The world has also vastly enhanced sustainable access to better water sources.

Enormous strides have been made in improving child health and survival and fighting AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria.

Many countries have advanced in other areas, demonstrating that progress is possible towards even the most difficult targets.

Yet much work remains to be done.  Many gaps are yet to be filled.

In just two weeks, we will meet in Rio to put the global spotlight on sustainable development.

I hope that there will be an agreement to build on the MDGs, through the establishment of a process to define Sustainable Development Goals.

The IIF will help us continue to monitor the progress of our efforts, including the commitments made in Rio.  It will also provide insight into the impact of our collective efforts.

The IIF can also serve as a springboard for discussions on the post-2015 agenda.

In this way, the IIF will be a living, ever-changing platform that supports us as we work to support the most vulnerable around the world.

We have high expectations for this new initiative.  I urge all of you to make the most of it.

Thank you very much.