
06 December 2015

Secretary-General’s press encounter after visit to Tara research vessel

Ban Ki-Moon, Former Secretary-General

Q: What is the meaning of your visit to Tara today?

Secretary-General: Je suis très heureux d’être une nouvelle fois à bord du Tara. Je suis reconnaissant a Madame Agnes B. et ses collègues pour leur engagement pour lutter contre le changement climatique, et en particulier dans les océans.

For 10 years, Tara has sailed the oceans, monitoring the marine the changes in the ocean, particularly degradation of marine environment. They have been measuring and providing data to our scientific community to that we can better address climate change.

It is important that we must preserve our oceans healthy so that we can have a healthy and prosperous planet. Our planet is 70% oceans. It is the basis of our life.

I sincerely hope that our world leaders, our negotiators, our ministers will adopt a strong, ambitious, universal climate change agreement. There is no time to lose. 

En agissant sur le changement climatique, nous pouvons laisser un meilleur avenir aux jeunes et aux générations suivantes. 

Q: Are you optimistic about the end of the conference, about reaching an agreement?

Secretary-General: There was a strong commitment demonstrated by world leaders - at least 150 world leaders, including President Hollande of France. I am optimistic and confident that we will have a universal and ambitious agreement.

I am urging member states to look beyond their national boundaries. Climate change does not respect national boundaries. It impacts all throughout the world and, therefore, we have to have a global vision, global solidarity. The sea level is rising. Global temperatures are warming. This year, 2015, is the warmest year in human history. Therefore, there is not time to lose. We need to take action now. The time for action is now.