New York

29 September 2015

Deputy Secretary-General's closing remarks at the High=level Meeting on South Sudan [as prepared for delivery]

Jan Eliasson, Former Deputy Secretary-General

On behalf of the Secretary-General, I would like to thank you for participating in this important and timely event.

I commend IGAD and the African Union for facilitating the signing of the peace agreement, and for showing determination to support its implementation.

I also wish to thank all Member States who have expressed today their support of the peace process. 

The establishment of a robust ceasefire agreement and the implementation of the security arrangements are the two most important steps that must be taken to end the war.

I welcome the orders issued by President Kiir and Riek Machar last month to halt all military operations. The carrying out of these orders on the ground will be the real test of the parties’ commitment to end the fighting.  In this regard, I echo other member states in urging SPLM in Opposition to sign the outcome document of the Workshop on Transitional Security Arrangements. 

Both sides must make sure that their forces disengage and freeze their movements in their areas of deployment. IGAD and UNMISS must be provided unfettered access to all areas of the country, not only to monitor and report on the situation but also to help resolve any disputes that may arise.

The formation of the Government of National Unity will be the next crucial step. I urge the parties to make swift progress on this in order to restore a sense of normalcy and instil confidence among the people of South Sudan.

As South Sudan takes these vital steps towards peace, the United Nations remains committed to protecting civilians and assisting in the provision of urgent humanitarian assistance.  I call on all parties to ensure that humanitarian actors are given safe access to those in need. 

We must all come together to accompany the people of South Sudan on the path of peace.   The United Nations stands ready to do its part in a comprehensive way. Remember – there is no peace without development, no development without peace, and none of the above without respect for human rights and the rule of law.

Let me also reiterate the Secretary-General’s appeal for the international community to be generous with development assistance so that the people of South Sudan may begin to enjoy the fruits of peace.

Thank you.