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UN Programme on Disability   Working for full participation and equality


Article 6 - Women with Disabilities
Background Documents | Article 6 Background

Seventh Session | Sixth Session | Fourth Session | Third Session

Fourth Session



Comments, proposals and amendments submitted electronically

Non-governmental organizations

Landmine Survivors Network



Comments, proposals and amendments submitted electronically

Non-governmental organizations



Members of the Ad Hoc Committee discussed the issue of whether there should be a separate article on women with disabilities. There was clear agreement that disabled women are subject to double discrimination and are one of the most highly marginalized groups. This is consistent with the draft text’s inclusion of children. Given that this is a thematic Convention on disability, it would be logical then to include thematic articles within it. We also agree that the fear of having to add other new groups is insufficient grounds for not including the Article on Women. (WFD)

Nevertheless, certain delegations noted that what matters is the substance of the Convention, whether there is a separate provision on women with disabilities, or whether it is integrated into other Articles in the Convention. For example, at present the proposal on the protection of the motherhood of women with disabilities, and ensuring that women with disabilities are not deprived of their right to work due to their pregnancy or childbirth are not adequately covered elsewhere in the Convention. In addition, care needs to be taken to ensure standards of protection are not lowered, and to ensure that they are in conformity with human rights standards. (Costa Rica, Lichtenstein) Furthermore, care needs to be taken to ensure we do not establish a hierarchy of disability sub-groups (EU). In light of these concerns, the eventual substance of this article will have to be carefully reviewed.



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