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UN Programme on Disability   Working for full participation and equality


Article 31 - Statistics and data collection
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Third Session


Comments, proposals and amendments submitted electronically


Costa Rica
European Union


UN System Organizations




National Human Rights Institutions

Ontario Human Rights Commission

Non-governmental organizations

Australian NGOs


Center for International Rehabilitation
European Disability Forum
Japan Disability Forum
Landmines Survivors Network
Physical Disability Council of Australia

World Blind Union

Working Meeting of NGOs for People with Disabilities from Ukraine, Russia, Belarus & Moldova

World Network of Users and Survivors of Psychiatry


Comments, proposals and amendments submitted electronically



Article 6

In order to formulate and implement appropriate policies to protect and promote the rights of persons with disabilities, States Parties should encourage the collection, analysis, codification and dissemination of statistics and information on disabilities and on the effective enjoyment of human rights by persons with disabilities. The process of collecting and maintaining this information shall:

a. respect the right to privacy, the dignity and the rights of persons with disabilities, and the information collected from persons with disabilities shall be on a voluntary basis;

b. be kept only in a statistical format without identifying individuals and shall be kept secure to prevent unauthorised access or misuse of information;

c. ensure that the design and implementation of data collection is done in partnership with persons with disabilities, their representative organisations and all other relevant stakeholders;

d. be disaggregated according to the purpose of the collection of information and should include age, sex, type of disability and if it is located in rural or urban areas;

e. include detailed information on their access to public services, rehabilitation programs, education, housing and employment;

f. adhere to established ethics regarding respect for anonymity and confidentiality in the collection of statistics and data.

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Draft Article 6

EU Proposal: Replace the contents of this Article by the following, and move it to Article 25:

“Where necessary, States Parties shall collect appropriate information to enable them to formulate and implement policies to give effect to this Convention. The process of collecting and maintaining this information should:

(a) comply with legally established safeguards to ensure confidentiality and respect for the privacy of persons with disabilities, including legislation on data protection;

(b) comply with internationally accepted norms to protect human rights and fundamental freedoms;

(c) where appropriate, be undertaken in collaboration with and following consultation of organisations of persons with disabilities.”

In order to formulate and implement appropriate policies to protect and promote the rights of persons with disabilities, States Parties should encourage the collection, analysis, and codification of statistics and information on disabilities and on the effective enjoyment of human rights by persons with disabilities. The process of collecting and maintaining this information should:

(a) respect the right to privacy, the dignity and the rights of persons with disabilities, and the information collected from persons with disabilities should be on a voluntary basis;

(b) be kept only in a statistical format without identifying individuals and should be kept secure to prevent unauthorised access or misuse of information;

(c) ensure that the design and implementation of data collection is done in partnership with persons with disabilities, their representative organisations and all other relevant stakeholders;

(d) be disaggregated according to the purpose of the collection of information and should include age, sex and type of disability;

(e) include detailed information on their access to public services, rehabilitation programs, education, housing and employment;

(f) adhere to established ethics regarding respect for anonymity and confidentiality in the collection of statistics and data.

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India had supported the proposal to include collection of statistics as a tool for evaluation and monitoring and not as a separate article

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Article 6: Statistics and data collection

In order to formulate and implement appropriate regulations and policies to protect and promote the rights of persons with disabilities, States Parties should encourage actions for the collection, compilation, analysis and dissemination codification of statistics on persons with disabilities and information on disabilities and their surroundings, and on the effective enjoyment of human rights by persons with disabilities. The process of collection collecting and preservation maintaining this information should:

(a) Respect the right to privacy, the dignity and the rights of persons with disabilities. Therefore, and the collection of disability statistics information collected from persons with disabilities should be done with the consent of persons with disabilities on a voluntary basis;

(b) Be kept only in a statistical format without identifying individuals and should be kept secure to prevent unauthorized access or misuse of information;

(b) Adhere to ethic regulations and principles regarding respect of anonymity and confidentiality, as well as the use of the disability statistics for social awareness;

(c) The governmental authorities responsible for statistics in the States Parties shall ensure that the design and implementation of data collection is done in partnership with persons with disabilities, their representative organizations and all other interested relevant stakeholders;

(d) Be disaggregated Disaggregate the data according to the purpose of the collection of statistics information, and should include at least, information about age, sex and type of disability;

(e) Include detailed information on their access to public services, rehabilitation programmes, education, housing and employment, as well as the barriers faced by persons with disabilities to exercise their rights;

(f) Adhere to established ethics regarding respect for anonymity and confidentiality in the collection of statistics and data.

(f) Establish regulations and mechanisms to safeguard disability statistics and ensure their adequate use;

(g) State Parties shall assume the responsibility for the dissemination of disability statistics and ensure its accessibility to all interested stakeholders.

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UN System organizations


Draft Article 6
Statistics and Data Collection

• The ILO suggests that the existing draft text of this article should be revised in the following ways:

o The introduction should call on States Parties to ensure, to the extent possible, that national population censuses, labour force and other household surveys, household panel surveys and other data collection exercises at the national level should gather information on people with disabilities, in the same way as on the general population. The introduction should also include provision for the dissemination of the statistics.

o Sections (a), (b) and (f) should be amalgamated, as they are closely interrelated. Respect for anonymity sand confidentiality should refer not only to data collection but also to dissemination.

o The second phrase of section (a) should be deleted, since participation in censuses and related data collection exercises is compulsory for the population falling within the scope of the exercise.

o Section (d) should refer to internationally comparable categories

• Incorporating the above suggestions, the draft article could be amended to read as follows:

o In order to formulate and implement appropriate policies to protect and promote the rights of persons with disabilities, States Parties encourage the collection, codification collection, classification, dissemination and analysis of statistics and information on disabilities and on the effective enjoyment of human rights by persons with disabilities. They should ensure that, to the extent possible, national population censuses, labour force and other household surveys, household panel surveys and other national data collection exercises gather information on people with disabilities in the same way as on the general population. The process of collecting, maintaining and disseminating information on persons with disabilities should:

a. respect the right to privacy, the dignity and the rights of persons with disabilities and adhere to established ethics regarding respect for anonymity and confidentiality, by for example, releasing the information only in a statistical format that does not permit the identification of individuals and keeping information secure to prevent unauthorized access or misuse of individual data.

b. ensure that the design and implementation of data collection is done in partnership with persons with disabilities, their representative organizations and all other relevant stakeholders;

c. be disaggregated according to the purpose of the collection of information and should include age, sex and type of disability, using internationally comparable categories;

d. include detailed information on the access of persons with disabilities to public services, rehabilitation programs, education, housing and employment.

Interventions made at the Third Session:

Draft Article 6 Statistics and Data Collection

The ILO welcomes the inclusion of an article dealing with statistics in the draft text, and has no objection to proposals made by some delegates to move this provision, to the article on monitoring, as long as it is clear that the data collected should be used for planning purposes and not solely for monitoring.

In addition to the existing text, the ILO suggests the following revisions:

• The introduction should call on States Parties to ensure, to the extent possible, that national population censuses, labour force and other household surveys, household panel surveys and other data collection exercises at the national level should gather information on people with disabilities, in the same way as on the general population. The introduction should also include provision for the dissemination of the statistics.

• Like Disabled Peoples International, the ILO calls for sections (a), (b) and (f) to be amalgamated, as they are closely interrelated. Respect for anonymity and confidentiality should refer not only to data collection but also to dissemination.

• The second phrase of section (a) should be deleted, since participation in censuses and related data collection exercises is compulsory for the population falling within the scope of the exercise.

• Section (d) should refer to internationally comparable categories

- Incorporating the above suggestions, the draft article could be amended to read as follows:

In order to formulate and implement appropriate policies to protect and promote the rights of persons with disabilities, States Parties encourage the collection, codification classification, dissemination and analysis of statistics and information on disabilities and on the effective enjoyment of human rights by persons with disabilities. They should ensure that, to the extent possible, national population censuses, labour force and other household surveys, household panel surveys and other national data collection exercises gather information on people with disabilities in the same way as on the general population. The process of collecting, maintaining and disseminating information on persons with disabilities should:

a. respect the right to privacy, the dignity and the rights of persons with disabilities and adhere to established ethics regarding respect for anonymity and confidentiality, by for example, releasing the information only in a statistical format that does not permit the identification of individuals and keeping information secure to prevent unauthorized access or misuse of individual data.

b. ensure that the design and implementation of data collection is done in partnership with persons with disabilities, their representative organizations and all other relevant stakeholders;

c. be disaggregated according to the purpose of the collection of information and should include age, sex and type of disability, using internationally comparable categories;

d. include detailed information on the access of persons with disabilities to public services, rehabilitation programs, education, housing and employment.

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See references to international human rights conventions and jurisprudence

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Article 6 - Statistics and data collection

WHO recognizes that human rights principles and norms are relevant to selecting data collected to determine the type and extent of health problems affecting a specific population (WHO, 2002). In this context, WHO fully supports disaggregating data by age, sex and disability as well as treating health data with anonymity and confidentiality. Furthermore, in the process of data collection WHO would like to highlight the need to include provisions that promote and protect the right to education and the right to seek, receive and impart information concerning health issues (WHO, 2002).

WHO recognizes that in many low-income and middle-income countries there is a shortage of data on the health and rehabilitation needs of persons with disabilities. Such data would not only highlight the needs of persons with disabilities, but would ensure equity in allocation of available resources in addressing their needs. In this context, WHO is committed to provide technical assistance and expertise within its mandate and looks forward to contribute towards issues related to statistics and data collection within the framework of International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (WHA54.21) for national and international use.

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National Human Rights Institutions


Article 6 – Statistics and data collection

In order to formulate and implement appropriate policies to protect and promote the rights of persons with disabilities, States Parties should encourage the collection, analysis and codification of statistics and information on disabilities and on the effective enjoyment of human rights by persons with disabilities. …

The Commission supports this draft Article and all its subparagraphs. The Commission’s Guidelines on Special Programs set out similar principles for the process of collecting and maintaining statistics for the purpose of monitoring and ameliorating social and economic disadvantage in the context of “affirmative-action” type programs.

The Commission is also of the view that statistics and data collection may be warranted in situations where a service provider, employer or other organization has an objective basis to believe that systemic infringement of rights may be occurring, or there are persistent allegations or perceptions of systemic discrimination, or where it is an organization’s intent to prevent or ameliorate disadvantage already known to be faced by persons with disabilities. This is in keeping with the remedial purpose of the Code and with recent human rights jurisprudence that finds organizations have an obligation to take into account a person’s already disadvantaged position within Canadian society. 8

In two of its recent public inquiry reports, the Commission has recommended to government that statistics and data collection be undertaken in order to monitor and take action on reported systemic and adverse discrimination. These reports are: Paying the Price: The Human Cost of Racial Profiling; and, The Opportunity to Succeed: Achieving Barrier-free Education for Students with Disabilities.

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Non-governmental organizations


Interventions at the Third Session:

Article 6

Mr Chairman: Thank you for this opportunity to address the Ad Hoc Committee.

We strongly support the content and intent of draft article 6. However, statistics and data collection are not appropriately characterised as a human right. In our view, they represent operational activities that should be included with other operative provisions at the end of the convention.

Statistics and data collection on the prevalence of disability and enjoyment of human rights by people with disability is essential to effective policy development, planning and evaluation of disability initiatives at both the national and international levels. In this respect, the opening paragraph of this article could be improved in three ways. First, by incorporating direct references to ‘planning’ and ‘evaluation’ as activities supported by effective statistics and data collection. Second, by making it clear that States have a direct obligation to collect, analyse and codify disability-related statistics and other data, rather than to merely ‘encourage’ others to do this. Third, by inserting a requirement that States make disability related statistics and other data publicly available. This will facilitate effective policy development, planning and evaluation by the private sector.

Disability statistics and other data play an important role in policy development, planning, and evaluation of international aid programs, standards development, and trade liberalisation measures etc. The development of consistent statistical and data collection methodologies between countries is therefore a key priority for international cooperation. We therefore recommend the inclusion of an additional paragraph promoting the development, through international cooperation, of consistent statistical and data collection methodologies between States.

Thank you for the opportunity to address the Committee.

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Draft Article 6 – Statistics and Data Collection

Collection of data – a tool in the promotion of rights, not a right in itself

We acknowledge the importance of statistics and data collection in determining the means for combating discrimination and providing an appropriate response to the needs of people with disabilities. However such activity is only a tool to achieving equality. It is not a fundamental right in the same way as the rights stated at the beginning of the Convention: Equality and Non-Discrimination, Equality Before the Law, Individual Autonomy, etc.

Thus we suggest that this article be included further on in the Convention, and not necessarily as an independent article. It could be included, for example, under Article 25 (Monitoring), as one of the tools of which the State must make use in order to eliminate discrimination.
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Draft article 6 – Statistics and Data Collection

Thank you, Mr. President.

On behalf of the Center for International Rehabilitation, I thank you for your effort as president of this committee, and I thank the Bureau and the members of this committee for favoring NGO participation in the debate.

We consider it important to move Article 6 to the end of the text, to include it under the Operative Provisions section. We value the European Union’s proposal regarding this article, but would like to see it expanded under a distinct section for Implementation.

We find it relevant to highlight that the collection of information should be used not only in the planning and implementation of policies, as proposed by the European Union, but also in the monitoring of such policies. Furthermore, it is imperative that such information be made accessible.

We concur with the European Union’s proposal regarding provisions to safeguard the confidentiality and respect the privacy of persons with disability. This is an extremely sensitive topic that the convention must expressly address. As proposed by the European Union, internationally established norms must also be applied to data collection, in order to protect the human rights and fundamental freedoms of persons with disability.

We emphasize that it is always necessary to include disability organizations in the design and process of gathering and interpreting information on persons with disability. This process must not be segregated, however, and should be integrated into the general statistics of the country. The intention should be to evaluate the situation and needs of persons with disability, which, more so than simply obtaining statistics, is our true interest.

Furthermore, and given that a number of delegations deem it important to gather information in discrete categories, such as gender, age, etc., we call for the inclusion of indigenous populations as its own category.

Finally, we stress the need for greater international cooperation in order to improve and standardize the collection of information.

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Draft Article 6 Statistics and data collection

The collection of statistics, if done properly, might contribute to the design of policies and legislation which promote and protect the rights of persons with disabilities.

EDF suggests to link this article to the article on national monitoring.

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Draft Article 6 - Statistics and data collection

Original Text of the Draft
In order to formulate and implement appropriate policies to protect and promote the rights of persons with disabilities, States Parties should encourage the collection, analysis, and codification of statistics and information on disabilities and on the effective enjoyment of human rights by persons with disabilities. The process of collecting and maintaining this information should:

JDF’s proposed Amendment
Delete the words “statistics and information on disabilities” (the 3rd line)
We do not totally deny statistics and data collection, but “statistics and information on disabilities” should be deleted.

In 1983 in Japan, the survey to find out actual conditions of mental hygiene was virtually blocked as it faced strong opposition from persons with mental illness, mental health workers and others. As one of the reasons of opposition, people claimed that the survey had to be done on actual conditions of mental hospital, not on persons with mental illness. In fact, in the same year, the brutal killing of the patient in Utsunomiya Hospital by nurses was disclosed. It developed into the reveal of many other cases of human rights abuses against patients practiced in the hospital, and finally the Mental Hygiene Law was revised.

It is meaningful to collect information about how rights of persons with disabilities stipulated in the Convention are guaranteed, but not data on “disabilities.” Collection of data on “disabilities” facilitates classification of “disabilities” according to the medical model, making it possible to misuse for some undesirable purposes such as introduction of measures supported by eugenics.

Data collection that benefits persons with disabilities could be the one that focuses on their human rights conditions.

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There is much support for data collection as an implementation measure in the UN Standard Rules. (Cf. UN Standard Rules on the Equalization of Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities, Rule 13) In addition, the Committee on the Rights of the Child has emphasized the need for statistical information as a means of effective implementation and monitoring. (Cf. Committee on the Rights of the Child, Reporting Guidelines to States Parties, para. 7) Inclusion in the treaty of provisions on statistics and data collection would therefore be in keeping with such recommendations. Also, given that many states will likely engage in statistics and data collection as part of the development of national legislation and programs implementing the convention, the inclusion of this article is important as a means of addressing concerns about methods used in the collection, analysis and intended use of data and statistics, particularly as regards issues of privacy.

The Ad Hoc Committee may also wish to consider the establishment of a technical body that could assist in formulating guidelines related to statistics and data collection. Where particular expertise is required to assess information relating to the implementation of a treaty, it is not uncommon for a technical body to be established by a treaty, typically consisting of individuals with particularized expertise in the topic in question. (Cf. Framework Convention on Climate Change, Article 9; Convention to Combat Desertification, Article 24)

As regards the sub-paragraphs of Draft Article 6, it may be useful to re-order the paragraphs so that those addressing issues of privacy (sub-paragraphs (a), (b) and (f)) are grouped together, or perhaps combined in order to avoid repetition and redundancies.

Draft Article 6(c) emphasizes the important need to include people with disabilities and their representative organizations in the design and implementation of data collection. Given that people with disabilities are the specific group addressed by this convention, it may be inappropriate to also reference in this paragraph “all other relevant stakeholders,” as the convention is not intended to elaborate rights for those individuals.

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Statistics and Data Collection: Draft Article 6

PDCA strongly recommends that section d) be amended so that country of birth and language spoken in the home are at least included in the collection of information.

Meaningful data about ethnicity and cultural origin are critical in the planning and delivery of disability and other community services that respond to the needs of a culturally diverse community. This information is needed for policy development and the planning of delivery of services and resource allocation at all levels: national, state, regional and local.

If the government is serious about improving equity of access and equity of outcome for people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds, it will need data quantifying ethnicity and cultural origin in order to achieve this.

Without the availability of location specific data, the particular needs of the local communities will not be effectively addressed. This information can only come from a regular and comprehensive collection of data.

At present there are no statistics available about the incidence of disability within non English speaking communities. Using data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) and the Department of Family and Community Services (FaCS), PDCA currently estimate that 4.6% of Australians (902,082 people) are people from a non English speaking background with disability.

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Article 6:

It is important that in all data collections and statistics made by State Parties, also provisions are made to include PWD.

Many countries including EU, did not want this Article and felt that it is not a HR issue. The problem could be solved by adding provisions for this in the monitoring part of the Convention or in the preamble.

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Article 6
Statistics and data collection

In the introductory part to substitute the phrase “and on the effective enjoyment of human rights by persons with disabilities” by “and on the effectiveness of the measures promoting enjoyment of human rights by persons with disabilities”.

(c) After the words: “where appropriate, be undertaken in collaboration with and following consultation of organisations of persons with disabilities” add: “and/or their relatives, professionals”.

(d) instead of “Be disaggregated” to use the phrase: “be differentiated”

one more issue should be developed and added to Article 6 which would describe criteria of effectiveness of realization human rights by persons with disabilities on national level.

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Draft Article 6

In order to formulate and implement appropriate policies to protect and promote the rights of persons with disabilities, States Parties should encourage the collection, analysis, and codification of statistics and information on [ DELETE: disabilities and] on the effective enjoyment of human rights by persons with disabilities. The process of collecting and maintaining this information should:...

WNUSP COMMENT: This article has been the subject of much controversy. One of our member organizations suggests that the appropriate role of governments in collection of data is to support organizations of persons with disabilities which would themselves perform this function. If the article is retained in its present form, we urge the deletion of the term “disabilities” in the chapeau, as indicated. Collection of data on disabilities, as opposed to enjoyment of human rights by people with disabilities, is more in keeping with a medical model of disability that objectifies disability and separates it from its social context. While collection of such information may be useful in some circumstances, it also has great potential for misuse, by encouraging classification of people according to their disabilities.
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