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UN Programme on Disability   Working for full participation and equality


Article 29 - Participation in political and public life
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Seventh Session | Sixth Session | Fourth Session | Third Session
Working Group | References

Third Session


Compilation of proposed revisions and amendments made by the members of the Ad Hoc Committee to the draft text presented by the Working Group as a basis for negotiations by Member States and Observers in the Ad Hoc Committee

(updated after the completion of the first reading at the Fourth Session, 26 August 2004)


Article 18
Participation in political and [public life — Jordan] (public affairs — Jordan)

[[States Parties [recognize — Uganda] (shall ensure — Uganda) the political rights of persons with disabilities (and their role in public administration — Uruguay), [without discrimination — Costa Rica] (on the basis of effective equality and to guarantee its effective enjoyment — Costa Rica), and undertake to: — Argentina, Lebanon]

(Shall guarantee the political rights of persons with disabilities without undue restrictions and undertake to: — Argentina)

(States Parties shall guarantee to all persons with disabilities the full participation to political and public life without any discrimination or restriction, and shall undertake to: — Lebanon)

(a) [Actively promote an environment in which [persons — China] (citizens — China) with disabilities can effectively and fully participate in political [and public — Japan, China] life, directly or through freely chosen representatives (in the countries that approve of indirect voting — Lebanon) — Morocco] (Allow persons with disabilities to participate effectively, fully and freely in political and public life — Morocco), [including (by guaranteeing — Namibia) [the right and opportunity of [citizens — Namibia] (persons — Namibia) with disabilities — China] — Japan] (exercise the right — China) (by providing citizens with disabilities with opportunities — Japan) to vote and (to — China) [be elected — India] (stand for election — India) (in accordance with election law — China), and by [ensuring that — Australia] (promoting — Australia) (political processes, — Costa Rica) (taking measures to establish and maintain — Japan) voting procedures and facilities (that — Australia):

(i) Are appropriate, accessible and easy to understand (and use — Canada);

(ii) Protect the right of citizens with disabilities to (make a free and informed decision — Costa Rica) vote by secret ballot; and

(iii) [[Allow, where necessary, (and at the citizens’ request — Costa Rica) the provision of [assistance (of their choice — Uganda) in voting to citizens with disabilities — Costa Rica] (the required support to exercise their vote — Costa Rica) (when they so request — Guatemala) (introducing the necessary adaptations that will facilitate the use of new technologies — Uruguay) — Morocco] (Ensure that the necessary support is provided to citizens with disabilities to vote — Morocco) — Chile]; (Guarantee the effective exercise of the right of suffrage to all citizens with disabilities who request it, and the necessary assistance to this effect, including the alternative of assisted voting, which does not impede the secrecy of the ballot indicated in the previous point — Chile)

(b) Actively promote an environment in which persons with disabilities can effectively and fully participate in [the conduct of public administration — Argentina] (direction of public issues — Argentina) (without discrimination — EU), [and shall [encourage, as appropriate — Yemen] (ensure — Yemen), their participation in public affairs — China], including [to — Japan, China] (their — Japan):

(i) Participate (participating — Japan) [on a basis of equality — EU, Australia] (on an equal basis to others — Australia) in the activities and administration of political parties and civil society;

((i bis) Take all appropriate measures to ensure that people with disabilities without any discrimination have the opportunity to represent their governments and to participate in the work of international organizations — Kenya

(ii) [Form and join — Japan] (establishing and adhering to — Japan) organizations [of persons with disabilities — Mexico] to represent persons with disabilities at (local — Namibia) (international — Uganda, Yemen) national, regional and local levels;

((iii) represent their states at national, regional and international levels to participate in the work of international organizations — Namibia)

[(c) Ensure that persons with disabilities and their organizations [participate, on an [equal basis — South Africa] to others — EU] (equitably — South Africa) (can participate without discrimination and on an equal basis to other citizens — EU), in all decision-making processes, [[in particular those [concerning — China] issues relating to [persons with disabilities — Peru] — South Africa] — Chile] (public and political life — Peru, Guatemala) (in matters of public interest and the persons with disabilities in particular, implying their participation in the design, implementation, control and evaluation of public policies, as well as legislative proposals — Chile). (including to: (i) participate in the formulation, implementation and evaluation of plans and programmes for national and regional development — Namibia) — New Zealand]

((d) enable persons with disabilities to participate in the formulation, implementation and evaluation of plans and programmes for local, national and regional development, which may affect them — Kenya) — New Zealand]

((d) to ensure that persons with disabilities can access national parliaments and/or local government legislative bodies and be properly seated therein either as elected members of those bodies or as visitors — Trinidad and Tobago)

((d) States Parties shall adopt such legislative and other measures as may be necessary to ensure that persons with disabilities have an effective opportunity to enjoy the rights protected in this article — Uganda)

(1. States Parties shall guarantee to [citizens — Israel, Sierra Leone] (persons — Israel, Sierra Leone) with disabilities [the right and the opportunity — Israel] (implementation and fulfilment on the basis of equality of such rights as are prescribed by law — Israel) (of citizens — Sierra Leone) to take part, on the basis of equality, ( — Israel) in the conduct of public affairs, [including the right and opportunity to vote — Israel] and be elected in all elections and public referenda and be eligible for election to publicly elected bodies. In particular States Parties shall ensure that voting procedures and facilities:

(a) Are appropriate, accessible and easy to understand;

(b) Protect the right of [citizens — Israel] (persons — Israel) with disabilities to (entitled to — Israel) vote by secret ballot; and

(c) Allow, where necessary, the provision of assistance in voting to [citizens — Israel] (persons — Israel) with disabilities (entitled to vote — Israel).

2. States Parties shall take all appropriate measures to ensure to persons with disabilities, on the basis of equality, the right:

(a) To participate in the formulation [of government policy and the implementation thereof — Sierra Leone] (and implementation of public policies — Sierra Leone) and to hold public office and perform all public functions at all levels of government;

(b) To participate in (international organizations — Sierra Leone) non-governmental organizations and associations concerned with the public and political life of the country.

3. In particular, States Parties shall actively promote an environment in which persons with disabilities can:

(a) Participate in the activities and administration of political parties;

(b) Form, lead and join organizations of persons with disabilities established to represent them at (international — Serbia and Montenegro) national, regional and local levels. — New Zealand)

(States Parties shall guarantee that the rights of this article are not denied or restricted on the basis of disability in any manner — Israel)


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