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UN Programme on Disability   Working for full participation and equality


Article 27 - Right to work
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Sixth Session



Comments, proposals and amendments submitted electronically




European Union





UN System Organizations


Non-governmental organizations

International Disability Caucus

Joint Council of the Physically and Mentally Disabled - Hong Kong



Comments, proposals and amendments submitted electronically



Proposals by Argentina on Draft Article 22 RIGHT TO WORK

Replace chapeau of paragraph 1 by the following text:

The States Parties recognize the right of persons with disabilities to work, which includes the right of everyone to the opportunity to gain his or her living by work which he or she freely chooses or accepts, and shall take appropriate steps to safeguard this right for persons with disabilities, promoting equal opportunity and treatment of persons with disabilities. Such steps shall be directed to, among others:




6 AHC Article 22: Canada

1.Draft Article 22
RIGHT TO WORK 86, 87, 88

States Parties recognise SHALL TAKE EFFECTIVE AND APPROPRIATE MEASURES TO ELIMINATE DISCRIMINATION AGAINST persons with disabilities IN ORDER TO ENSURE THEIR ENJOYMENT OF THE RIGHT to work AND TO OTHER LABOUR RIGHTS ON A BASIS OF EQUALITY, including the opportunity to gain a living by work that they freely choose or accept, with a view to promoting equal opportunity and treatment of persons with disabilities, and protecting them from poverty.

States Parties shall take appropriate steps to In order to safeguard and promote the realisation of thisese rights, states parties shall take appropriate steps to promote a labour market and work environment that are open, inclusive, and accessible to all persons with disabilities, including measures to:

a. promote a labour market and work environment that are open, inclusive, and accessible to all persons with disabilities; 89 prohibit discrimination on the basis of disability by employers

b. enable persons with disabilities to have effective access to general technical and vocational guidance programs, placement services, assistive devices, and vocational and continuing training; require reasonable accommodation of persons with disabilities in the work environment;

c. promote90 employment opportunities and career advancement for persons with disabilities in the open labour market, including opportunities for self-employment and starting one's own business entrepreneurship, as well as assistance in preparing for, finding, obtaining, and maintaining, and returning to employment; including vocational and professional training and transition programs;

d. encourage employers91 to hire persons with disabilities, such as through affirmative action programs, incentives and quotas;92

e. ensure the reasonable accommodation of persons with disabilities in the workplace and work environment;93

f. promote the acquisition by persons with disabilities of work experience in the open labour market;

g. promote vocational and professional rehabilitation, job retention and return-to-work programs;

h. protect94 through legislation persons with disabilities with regard to employment, continuance of employment, career advancement, working conditions, including equal remuneration for work of equal value and equal opportunities, and the redressing of grievances,95 and to ensure that persons with disabilities are able to exercise their labour and trade union rights; protect the right of persons with disabilities to the enjoyment of just and favourable conditions of work on a basis of equality, in particular equal remuneration for work of equal value;

h.ter. protect the labour rights of persons with disabilities on a basis of equality.

i. ensure that persons with disabilities have equal opportunity to employment in the public sector;

j. promote recognition96 of the skills, merits, abilities and contributions of persons with disabilities to the workplace and the labour market, and to combat stereotypes and prejudices about persons with disabilities in the workplace and the labour market.

Clean text:

Article 22

States parties shall take effective and appropriate measures to eliminate discrimination against persons with disabilities in order to ensure their enjoyment of the right to work and to other labour rights on a basis of equality, including the opportunity to gain a living by work that they freely choose or accept. In order to safeguard and promote the realisation of these rights, states parties shall take appropriate steps to promote a labour market and work environment that are open, inclusive, and accessible to all persons with disabilities, including measures to:

(A) prohibit discrimination on the basis of disability by employers;
(B) require reasonable accommodation of persons with disabilities in the work environment;
(C) promote equal employment opportunities and career advancement for persons with disabilities in the open labour market, including opportunities for self-employment and entrepreneurship, as well as assistance in preparing for, finding, obtaining, maintaining, and returning to employment, including vocational and professional training and transition programs;
(D) encourage employers to hire persons with disabilities;
(E) protect the right of persons with disabilities to the enjoyment of just and favourable conditions of work on a basis of equality, in particular equal remuneration for work of equal value;
(F) protect the labour rights of persons with disabilities on a basis of equality.

6AHC Article 22 Right to work Canada - statement Aug 9 2005

$ Canada supports the full inclusion of persons with disabilities into economic life, including the labour market and work environment, and recognizes that the opportunity to contribute through work is an integral aspect of human life. Unfortunately, as noted by the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights in their General Comment 5, “The field of employment is one in which disability-based discrimination has been prominent and persistent.”

$ Canada believes that the proposed draft article on the right to work must target this discrimination in order to protect all persons with disabilities from circumstances that may render them vulnerable, and ensure that they have the equal opportunity to be fully included in the labour market and work environment. As such, the focus should be on removing and preventing barriers to employment so that persons with disabilities are able to participate fully in an open and inclusive employment and labour market.

$ In Canada’s view, although the duty of reasonable accommodation is included in article 7, it is of such importance to this context that it should also be highlighted in this article in order to remove existing barriers and to prevent new ones from arising so as to ‘open the employment door’. Reasonable accommodation should require employers to ensure that persons with disabilities are enabled to perform duties of employment. Research has shown that the majority of these accommodations are relatively inexpensive.

$ In Canada, human rights legislation imposes a duty on employers to accommodate persons with disabilities in the workplace. For example, pursuant to the Canadian Human Rights Act, the federal government has implemented policies on the duty to accommodate persons with disabilities in the workplace. These policies draw on assistive technologies and strategies to enable workers with disabilities to fulfill work duties and be productive in their positions.

$ Canada’s Employment Insurance program also provides services to workers with disabilities on a non-discriminatory basis, and includes financial assistance for personal supports and assistive devices and services for those workers requiring assistance to access the labour market.

$ Canada welcomes the NZ and EU proposals on Article 22. In particular Canada supports combining subpara a) with the chapeau. However, as we have stated with respect to other articles, it is Canada’s view that this convention should provide for equality and require States to eliminate discrimination in the enjoyment of all human rights by persons with disabilities, and therefore Canada would propose to strengthen the chapeau to emphasize these principles.

$ Canada would also suggest that the broader term ‘labour rights’ be used, which encompasses participation in unions.

$ As we have stated with respect to other articles, in Canada’s view this convention should set out strong general statements of rights, capable of adaptation to future circumstances, and avoid overly prescriptive listings of measures States should take, which may be used to limit the interpretation of the right. Therefore, in Canada’s view, we should avoid attempting an exhaustive listing of prescriptive measures in this article.

$ In this vein, as an important overarching obligation, Canada would propose to insert a new subpara a) requiring States Parties to prohibit discrimination on the basis of disability by employers.

$ Canada would also propose to move up subpara e) as subpara b, in order to highlight the duty of reasonable accommodation as an important general principle.

$ We would propose to combine the key ideas contained in subparas b, c, f, and g, which overlap, into a revised subpara c, adding references to entrepreneurship, preparing for and returning to employment, and transition programs.

$ Similar to the EU, we would streamline subpara d in order to avoid prescriptive detail as to how employers should be encouraged to hire persons with disabilities.

$ We would reformulate sub-para h to more generally provide for equality in conditions of work, including equal remuneration, based on article 7 of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, and would move the reference to labour rights to a new subpara hbis.

$ In our view, while Canada supports the ideas contained in sub-paras i and j, we believe that these concepts are covered in articles 18 and 5 respectively, and agree with the EU, Cameroon and other delegations in this regard.

$ Canada would also support addressing sexual harassment in the workplace in this article, consistent with the approach of mainstreaming a gender perspective in relevant articles.

$ Canada would therefore propose that Article 22 read as follows:

clean text:

Article 22

States parties shall take effective and appropriate measures to eliminate discrimination against persons with disabilities in order to ensure their enjoyment of the right to work and to other labour rights on a basis of equality, including the opportunity to gain a living by work that they freely choose or accept. In order to safeguard and promote the realisation of these rights, states parties shall take appropriate steps to promote a labour market and work environment that are open, inclusive, and accessible to all persons with disabilities, including measures to:

(A) prohibit discrimination on the basis of disability by employers;
(B) require reasonable accommodation of persons with disabilities in the work environment;
(C) promote equal employment opportunities and career advancement for persons with disabilities in the open labour market, including opportunities for self-employment and entrepreneurship, as well as assistance in preparing for, finding, obtaining, maintaining, and returning to employment, including vocational and professional training and transition programs;
(D) encourage employers to hire persons with disabilities;
(E) protect the right of persons with disabilities to the enjoyment of just and favourable conditions of work on a basis of equality, in particular equal remuneration for work of equal value;
(F) protect the labour rights of persons with disabilities on a basis of equality.



European Union Proposal Draft Article 22

Amendments to the Working Group Text:

States Parties recognize the right of persons with disabilities to work, which includes the opportunity to gain a living by work that they freely choose or accept, with a view to promoting equal opportunity and equal treatment of persons with disabilities, and protecting them from poverty. States Parties shall take appropriate steps to safeguard and promote the realization of this right, including measures to:

EU Proposal chapeau:
“States Parties recognize the right of persons with disabilities to work on an equal basis with others; this includes the right to the opportunity to gain a living by work freely chosen or accepted in a labour market and work environment that is open, inclusive and accessible to persons with disabilities. States Parties shall take appropriate steps to safeguard and promote the realization of this right, including measures to:”

(a) Promote a labour market and work environment that are open, inclusive, and accessible to all persons with disabilities;

EU Proposal (a): Delete – covered in chapeau

(b) Enable persons with disabilities to have effective access to general technical and vocational guidance programs, placement services, assistive devices and vocational and continuing training;

EU Proposal (b): Insert “and” between “programs” and “placement”. Delete “assistive devices and vocational and continuing training”. Renumber as (d)

(c) Promote employment opportunities and career advancement for persons with disabilities in the open labour market, including opportunities for self employment and starting one’s own business, as well as assistance in finding, obtaining and maintaining employment;

EU Proposal (c): Delete “in the open labour market, including opportunities for self employment and starting one’s own business, as well as…” Insert after “disabilities” “which include assistance in finding, obtaining and maintaining employment and opportunities for self employment”. Renumber as (b)

(d) Encourage employers to hire persons with disabilities, such as through affirmative action programs, incentives and quotas;

EU Proposal (d): Replace “such as through affirmative action programs, incentives and quotas” with “through appropriate policies and measures”. Renumber as (c)

(e) Ensure the reasonable accommodation of persons with disabilities in the workplace and work environment;

EU Proposal (e): delete and reword as follows: “Ensure that reasonable accommodation is provided to persons with disabilities in the workplace”

(f) Promote the acquisition by persons with disabilities of work experience in the open labour market;

(g) Promote vocational and professional rehabilitation, job retention and return to work programs;

EU Proposal (g): Insert “for persons with disabilities” at the end of the paragraph.

(h) Protect through legislation persons with disabilities with regard to employment, continuance of employment, career advancement, working conditions, including equal remuneration for work of equal value and equal opportunities, and the redressing of grievances, and to ensure persons with disabilities are able to exercise their labour and trade union rights;

EU Proposal (h): Insert “conditions of recruitment” after “regard to”. Insert “that” after “ensure”. Renumber as (a)

(i) Ensure that persons with disabilities have equal opportunity to employment in the public sector;

EU Proposal (i): Delete

(j) Promote recognition of the skills, merits, abilities and contributions of persons with disabilities to the workplace and the labour market, and to combat stereotypes and prejudices about persons with disabilities in the workplace and the labour market.

EU Proposal (j): Delete

The complete EU proposal for Article 22 Right to Work

States Parties recognize the right of persons with disabilities to work on an equal basis with others; this includes the right to the opportunity to gain a living by work freely chosen or accepted in a labour market and work environment that is open, inclusive and accessible to persons with disabilities. States Parties shall take appropriate steps to safeguard and promote the realization of this right, including measures to:

a) Protect through legislation persons with disabilities with regard to conditions of recruitment, employment, continuance of employment, career advancement, working conditions, including equal remuneration for work of equal value and equal opportunities, and the redressing of grievances, and to ensure that persons with disabilities are able to exercise their labour and trade union rights;

b) Promote employment opportunities and career advancement for persons with disabilities which include assistance in finding, obtaining and maintaining employment and opportunities for self employment;

c) Encourage employers to hire persons with disabilities through appropriate policies and measures;

d) Enable persons with disabilities to have effective access to general technical and vocational guidance programs and placement services;

e) Ensure that reasonable accommodation is provided to persons with disabilities in the workplace;

f) Promote the acquisition by persons with disabilities of work experience in the open labour market;

g) Promote vocational and professional rehabilitation, job retention and return-to-work programs for persons with disabilities.




Draft Article 22: RIGHT TO WORK
Israel Proposal

States Parties recognize the right to work of all persons with disabilities to work of lawful working age, on an equal basis with others; which this includes the opportunity to gain a living by work that they freely choosen or accepted , with a view to promoting equal opportunity and treatment of persons with disabilities, and protecting them persons with disabilities from poverty, in a labour market and work environment, whether in the public, private, or any other sector, which is open, inclusive and accessible to persons with disabilities.

In order to safeguard and promote the realization of the right to work , States Parties shall take all appropriate steps to safeguard and promote the realization of this right, including by way of legislation measures to and shall in particular:

a. promote a labour market and work environment that are open, inclusive, and accessible to all persons with disabilities;

a. [h]Enact legislation protect and take all other necessary measures to eliminate discrimination in all aspects of employment including, through legislation persons with disabilities with regard to employment, selection, recruitment, hiring, continuance of employment, career advancement, working conditions, professional training, severance and retirement including equal remuneration for work of equal value and equal opportunities, and the redressing of grievances, and to ensure that persons with disabilities are able to exercise their labour and trade union rights;

b. [e] Enact legislation and take all other necessary measures to ensure the reasonable accommodation and appropriate representation of persons with disabilities in the workplace and work environment;

c. [i] ensure that appropriate representation for persons with disabilities have equal opportunity to employment amongst employees in the public sector;

d. Ensure equal application to persons with disabilities of employment protection laws and standards, including in relation to safe and healthy working conditions, provision of rest, leisure, reasonable limitation of working hours and holiday pay, the minimum wage, the redressing of labour grievances and trade union rights.

e. [d] encourage employers to hire and retain persons with disabilities, such as through by such measures as the promotion of affirmative action programs, and the provision of financial incentives and support quotas.

f. [b] enable persons with disabilities to have effective access to general technical and vocational and career guidance programs, employment counseling and placement services, assistive devices, and vocational and continuing training supplemented by information in accessible formats on rights and obligations under labour-related law and other forms of labour regulation;

g. [c] promote equal employment opportunities and career advancement for persons with disabilities in the open labour market, including opportunities for self-employment and starting one's own business, as well as providing assistance in finding, obtaining and maintaining and returning to employment, including vocational and professional training and transition programmes;

h. Ensure that alternative forms of employment outside the open labour market are adequately resourced, in conditions that ensure useful, remunerative and decent work, provide opportunities for vocational advancement and facilitate the move into the open labour market.

f. promote the acquisition by persons with disabilities of work experience in the open labour market;

g. promote and provide vocational and professional rehabilitation, job retention and return-to-work programs;

j. promote recognition of the skills, merits, abilities and contributions of persons with disabilities to the workplace and the labour market, and to combat stereotypes and prejudices about persons with disabilities in the workplace and the labour market.




Draft Article 22

States Parties recognise the right of persons with disabilities to work on an equal basis with others, which includes the opportunity to gain a living by work that they freely choose or accept, with a view to promoting equal opportunity and treatment of persons with disabilities, and protecting them from poverty. States Parties shall take appropriate steps to safeguard and promote the realisation of this right, including measures to:

(a) promote a labour market and work environment that are open, inclusive, and accessible to all persons with disabilities;

(b) enable persons with disabilities to have effective access to general technical and vocational guidance programs, placement services, assistive devices, and vocational and continuing training;

(c) promote employment opportunities and career advancement for persons with disabilities in the open labour market, including opportunities for self employment and starting one’s own business, as well as assistance in finding, obtaining and maintaining employment;

(d) encourage employers to hire persons with disabilities, such as through affirmative action programs, incentives and quotas;

(e) ensure the reasonable accommodation of persons with disabilities in the workplace and work environment;

(f) promote the acquisition by persons with disabilities of work experience in the open labour market;

(g) promote vocational and professional rehabilitation, job retention and return to work programs;

(h) protect through legislation persons with disabilities with regard to employment, continuance of employment, career advancement, working conditions, including equal remuneration for work of equal value and equal opportunities, and the redressing of grievances, and to ensure persons with disabilities are able to exercise their labour and trade union rights;

(i) ensure that persons with disabilities have equal opportunity to employment in the public sector;

(j) promote recognition of the skills, merits, abilities and contributions of persons with disabilities to the workplace and the labour market, and to combat stereotypes and prejudices about persons with disabilities in the workplace and the labour market;
(k) Promote employment of persons with disabilities in the informal sector through the creation of an enabling environment and the provision of incentives and necessary support services, including training and preferential access to credit.





States Parties recognise…………

(b) enable persons with disabilities to have effective access to general technical and vocational guidance programs, placement and counseling services, assistive devices and continuing [development and enhancement program skills – add];

(c ) promote employment opportunities and career advancement for persons with disabilities in the open labour market, including opportunities [for apprenticeship to gain work experience – add], self-employment…………
(e) ensure the reasonable accommodation appropriate to the nature and needs of persons with disabilities in the workplace and work environment [ add - such as (1) improvement of existing facilities used by employees in order to render these readily accessible to and usable by disabled persons (2) modification of work schedules, re-assignment to a vacant position, acquisition or modification of equipment or devices, appropriate adjustments or modification of examinations, training materials, or company policies, rules and regulations

(f) [delete as merged with ©]

(h) protect through legislation [, and active labour market policies and programs, - add] persons with disabilities with regard to ……

(i) ensure that persons with disabilities have equal opportunity to employment in the [private and - add] public sectors;




Draft Article 22 : Right to work :

(1) Add to paragraph (a) at the end "and more attention is to be paid to the employment of women with disabilities " to read :

22.(a) promote a labor market and work environment that are open ,inclusive , and accessible to all persons with disabilities , (and more attention is to be paid to the employment of women with disabilities).

(2) Add to paragraph (g) at the end " the individual inflicted with any type of disabilities during job performance shall be returned to work in an adequate placement service that suit the disability " to read :

22.(g) promote vocational and professional rehabilitation job retention and return -to- work programs. (The individual inflicted with any of disabilities during job performance shall be returned to work in adequate placement service that suit the disability ).



UN System Organizations


Draft Article 22 Right to Work
ILO Comments

What the ILO welcomes:

• The recognition of the right of persons with disabilities to gain a living by work which they freely choose or accept, based the principles of equal opportunity and equal treatment

• The provision for protection of this right through legislation,

• Recognition of the right of disabled persons to join trade unions.

• Emphasis on open employment

• Provision for reasonable accommodation

What concerns us:

• Lack of provision for alternative forms of employment/work

• Insufficient detail on reasonable accommodation

• Need for technical supports, services, incentives to employers.

• Lack of detail, compared to other articles of the convention.

What we call for:

• Provision of strong incentives and advisory services to employers who recruit people with disabilities and retain workers who acquire a disability while in employment.

• More detail on reasonable accommodation

• Provision, on a transitional basis, for alternative forms of work for persons with disabilities who may be unable to work in the open labour market, in conditions which ensure that the work carried out is useful and remunerative, providing opportunities for vocational advancement and where possible, transfer to open employment.

• Guidelines to accompany the UN Convention, providing greater explanatory detail.

Suggested amendments

States Parties recognize the right to work of person with disabilities, which includes the opportunity to gain a living by work that they freely choose or accept, with a view to promoting equal opportunity and treatment of persons with disabilities and protecting them from poverty. States shall take appropriate steps to safeguard and promote thee realization of this right, including measures to

(a) Promote a labour market and work environment that are open, inclusive and accessible to all persons with disabilities

(b) Enable persons with disabilities to have effective access to general vocational ,and career guidance programmes, employment counseling and placement services, assistive devices and vocational and continuing training supplemented by information in accessible formats on rights and obligations under labour-related law and other forms of labour regulation,

(c) Promote employment opportunities and career advancement for persons with disabilities in the open labour market, including opportunities for self-employment and starting one’s own business, as well as assistance in finding, obtaining and maintaining retaining employment, providing, where necessary, on a transitional basis, for adequately resourced, alternative forms of employment, in conditions that ensure useful and remunerative work, and provide opportunities for vocational advancement.

(d) Encourage employers to hire persons with disabilities, and to retain those who acquire a disability while in employment such as through affirmative action programmes, incentives and quotas and making available technical supports, assistive devices, wage subsidies, and other incentives.

(e) Ensure reasonable accommodation of persons with disabilities in the workplace and work environment by requiring employers to take steps to improve the accessibility of the work premises and to make adaptations to the recruitment and hiring process, to workstations, tools and equipment, job descriptions, including duties and tasks, and work schedules.

(f) Promote the acquisition by persons with disabilities of work experience in the open labour market

(g) Promote vocational and professional rehabilitation, job retention and return to work programmes

Protect through legislation persons with disabilities with regard to employment, continuance of employment, career advancement, job retention and return to work, working conditions including equal remuneration for work of equal value and equal opportunities, and the redressing of grievances, ensuring that they are covered by the provisions of national labour law and to ensure persons with disabilities are able to exercise their labour and trade union rights.

(h) Ensure that persons with disabilities have equal opportunity to employment in the public sector

(i) Promote recognition of the skills, merits, abilities and contributions of persons with disabilities to the workplace and labour market, and to combat stereotypes and prejudices about persons with disabilities in the workplace and the labour market.




Non-governmental organizations


- Draft proposal

IDC Article 22 Right to Work

States Parties recognize the inalienable human right of persons with disabilities to work and to gain their living by work which they freely choose or accept, and shall take effective steps to safeguard this right and achieve its realization by persons with disabilities on an equal basis with others.

1) States Parties shall enact legislation and take other necessary measures to eliminate discrimination against persons with disabilities in the field of employment, which shall apply to all employers, whether public, private, non-profit or any other, and to any form of labor without exception. Legislation and other measures shall in particular protect the rights of persons with disabilities with respect to:

a) equal opportunities for employment, including application of the same criteria for selection, recruitment and promotion, and equal treatment in evaluation of work and criteria for dismissal;
b) equal remuneration, including benefits, compared with other workers in the same industry, and applicability of any national minimum wage or other labor standards;
c) free choice of profession and equal access to placement services, vocational guidance and training, including advanced vocational training and recurrent training, and opportunities for career advancement;
d) access to rehabilitation and continuing employment for persons who acquire a disability while employed or whose impairment is intermittent in nature;
e) equal enjoyment of safe and healthy working conditions, provision for rest, leisure, reasonable limitation of working hours and holidays with pay;
f) equal enjoyment and exercise of trade union and labor rights, and equal access to membership in organizations of workers or of employers;
g) accommodation in the workplace, the denial of which shall be considered discrimination and treated as such. Accommodation in the workplace includes, but is not limited to, the adaptation of premises and workplaces, the provision of special equipment, the change in patterns of working time, the provision of support workers and redistribution of tasks.

2) States Parties shall undertake actions to promote employment and other opportunities for economic advancement of persons with disabilities, including self-employment and business ownership, by such measures as:

a) provision of incentives and subsidies to employers to encourage the hiring of persons with disabilities;
b) promotion of affirmative action programs and other programs to achieve equity in employment;
c) targeted promotion of opportunities for persons with disabilities in the open labor market for employment, self-employment, business ownership, and career advancement;
d) promotion and provision of programs and services to assist persons with disabilities in finding, obtaining and maintaining employment;
e) promotion and provision of vocational and professional rehabilitation, job retention and return to work programs;
f) promotion of the recognition of the skills, merits, abilities and contributions of persons with disabilities to the workplace and the labor market, and to combat stereotypes and prejudices about persons with disabilities in the workplace and the labor market.

- Information sheet

Article 22 Right to Work
Prepared by the International Disability Caucus

• Fulfillment of the right to work for people with disabilities means primarily elimination of discrimination, along with positive measures to promote employment and economic advancement.

• In the work setting, reasonable accommodation is particularly important as a component of non-discrimination, and its application to the work setting should be addressed by a non-exhaustive list of types of measures that can be used to accommodate individuals.

• Legislative measures are necessary to protect against work-related discrimination.

• Non-discrimination legislation must apply to all employment sectors – public, private and non-profit.

• IDC text is based on CEDAW with respect to equal opportunities for employment, free choice of profession and enjoyment of safe and healthy working conditions (IDC paragraphs 1b, 1c and 1e); ICESCR provides the basis for provision on rest and leisure (IDC paragraph 1e).

• Equal pay for equal work and applicability of minimum wage and other labor standards to people with disabilities are necessary to eliminate economic exploitation that has occurred, particularly in segregated employment situations that are not subject to ordinary labor standards.

• The situation of people who acquire a disability while employed, and people who experience intermittent impairments, should be addressed by providing for job security and access to rehabilitation and re-employment.

• Positive measures should include provision of incentives and subsidies to employers, promotion of affirmative action (such as preferential hiring and promotion), targeted promotion of employment opportunities in the open labor market, vocational rehabilitation, job retention and return to work programs, combating stereotypes, and providing assistance to people with disabilities in finding, obtaining and maintaining employment (which could include supported employment in the open labor market).

• The IDC has rejected any mention of sheltered employment or any language suggesting that such employment fulfills the right to work of people with disabilities. In many places, “sheltered employment” means workplaces characterized by segregation and economic exploitation, where ordinary labor laws and rights do not apply. Such measures represent a limitation rather than a protection of our right to work and to gain a living by work which we freely choose.

Human Rights References

UDHR Article 23

1. Everyone has the right to work, to free choice of employment, to just and favourable conditions of work and to protection against unemployment.
2. Everyone, without any discrimination, has the right to equal pay for equal work.
3. Everyone who works has the right to just and favourable remuneration ensuring for himself and his family an existence worthy of human dignity, and supplemented, if necessary, by other means of social protection.
4. Everyone has the right to form and to join trade unions for the protection of his interests.

Article 24

Everyone has the right to rest and leisure, including reasonable limitation of working hours and periodic holidays with pay.

ICESCR Article 6

1. The States Parties to the present Covenant recognize the right to work, which includes the right of everyone to the opportunity to gain his living by work which he freely chooses or accepts, and will take appropriate steps to safeguard this right.
2. The steps to be taken by a State Party to the present Covenant to achieve the full realization of this right shall include technical and vocational guidance and training programmes, policies and techniques to achieve steady economic, social and cultural development and full and productive employment under conditions safeguarding fundamental political and economic freedoms to the individual.

Article 7

The States Parties to the present Covenant recognize the right of everyone to the enjoyment of just and favourable conditions of work which ensure, in particular:
(a) Remuneration which provides all workers, as a minimum, with:
(i) Fair wages and equal remuneration for work of equal value without distinction of any kind, in particular women being guaranteed conditions of work not inferior to those enjoyed by men, with equal pay for equal work;
(ii) A decent living for themselves and their families in accordance with the provisions of the present Covenant; (b) Safe and healthy working conditions;
(c) Equal opportunity for everyone to be promoted in his employment to an appropriate higher level, subject to no considerations other than those of seniority and competence;
(d ) Rest, leisure and reasonable limitation of working hours and periodic holidays with pay, as well as remuneration for public holidays

Article 8

1. The States Parties to the present Covenant undertake to ensure:
(a) The right of everyone to form trade unions and join the trade union of his choice, subject only to the rules of the organization concerned, for the promotion and protection of his economic and social interests. No restrictions may be placed on the exercise of this right other than those prescribed by law and which are necessary in a democratic society in the interests of national security or public order or for the protection of the rights and freedoms of others;
(b) The right of trade unions to establish national federations or confederations and the right of the latter to form or join international trade-union organizations;
(c) The right of trade unions to function freely subject to no limitations other than those prescribed by law and which are necessary in a democratic society in the interests of national security or public order or for the protection of the rights and freedoms of others;
(d) The right to strike, provided that it is exercised in conformity with the laws of the particular country.

2. This article shall not prevent the imposition of lawful restrictions on the exercise of these rights by members of the armed forces or of the police or of the administration of the State.

3. Nothing in this article shall authorize States Parties to the International Labour Organisation Convention of 1948 concerning Freedom of Association and Protection of the Right to Organize to take legislative measures which would prejudice, or apply the law in such a manner as would prejudice, the guarantees provided for in that Convention.

CEDAW Article 11

1. States Parties shall take all appropriate measures to eliminate discrimination against women in the field of employment in order to ensure, on a basis of equality of men and women, the same rights, in particular:

(a) The right to work as an inalienable right of all human beings;

(b) The right to the same employment opportunities, including the application of the same criteria for selection in matters of employment;

(c) The right to free choice of profession and employment, the right to promotion, job security and all benefits and conditions of service and the right to receive vocational training and retraining, including apprenticeships, advanced vocational training and recurrent training;

(d) The right to equal remuneration, including benefits, and to equal treatment in respect of work of equal value, as well as equality of treatment in the evaluation of the quality of work;

(e) The right to social security, particularly in cases of retirement, unemployment, sickness, invalidity and old age and other incapacity to work, as well as the right to paid leave;

(f) The right to protection of health and to safety in working conditions, including the safeguarding of the function of reproduction.

2. In order to prevent discrimination against women on the grounds of marriage or maternity and to ensure their effective right to work, States Parties shall take appropriate measures:

(a) To prohibit, subject to the imposition of sanctions, dismissal on the grounds of pregnancy or of maternity leave and discrimination in dismissals on the basis of marital status;

(b) To introduce maternity leave with pay or with comparable social benefits without loss of former employment, seniority or social allowances;

(c) To encourage the provision of the necessary supporting social services to enable parents to combine family obligations with work responsibilities and participation in public life, in particular through promoting the establishment and development of a network of child-care facilities;

(d) To provide special protection to women during pregnancy in types of work proved to be harmful to them.

3. Protective legislation relating to matters covered in this article shall be reviewed periodically in the light of scientific and technological knowledge and shall be revised, repealed or extended as necessary.

ICERD Article 5

In compliance with the fundamental obligations laid down in article 2 of this Convention, States Parties undertake to prohibit and to eliminate racial discrimination in all its forms and to guarantee the right of everyone, without distinction as to race, colour, or national or ethnic origin, to equality before the law, notably in the enjoyment of the following rights:

(e) Economic, social and cultural rights, in particular:

(i) The rights to work, to free choice of employment, to just and favourable conditions of work, to protection against unemployment, to equal pay for equal work, to just and favourable remuneration;

(ii) The right to form and join trade unions;





Article 22 Right to Work

Employment is important for persons with disabilities to be able to gain a living by themselves. However, the unemployment rate of persons with disabilities is still much higher than that of the whole population in Hong Kong and similarly in other parts of the world, especially in developing and third world countries. Joint Council suggests that the Convention should protect the right to work of persons with disabilities by proposing affirmative policies such as introduction of quota system through legislation, ensuring adequate supports and accessible accommodations be provided in workplaces, etc. Moreover, vocational rehabilitation services should be provided for those not suitable for open employment.



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