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The SDKP will establish a broad-based partnership which will bring together individuals, institutions and networks engaged in the production and dissemination of knowledge on sustainable development with the following objectives:

  • To organize the web-based information on Sustainable Development and make it available to the policy making and other communities in a coherent and user-friendly form
  • To build relations with existing networks working on SD, and make their activities more visible to policy-makers
  • To document success stories, best practices, evaluations of policies and programmes in the sustainable development domain and to make them available in web-based, user-friendly form
  • To organize a dynamic stocktaking exercise of Sustainable Development over the past two decades, looking back to think ahead
  • To publish and disseminate the partnership's research in a variety of media, possibly including a sustainable development book series
  • To provide capacity building through training for policy makers and their advisors and for diplomats working on sustainable development issues.