13th United Nations Congress on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice

13th United Nations Congress
on Crime Prevention and
Criminal Justice

Doha, 12-19 April 2015

Get involved

UNIS Vienna

Rule of law: what does it mean to you?

Post a short video clip or a photo explaining what the rule of law means to you on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter using the hashtag #myruleoflaw

You can also send it to crimecongress[at]unvienna.org if you want us to upload it to the official Crime Congress platforms.

Raising awareness of the nexus between crime and development

Are you organizing an event to raise awareness of the nexus between crime and development? Let us know by writing to crimecongress[at]unvienna.org and we will list the event on this site.

You can also tell others about crime’s effects on development by sharing one of these images on your social networks with the hashtag: #myruleoflaw

Human Trafficking and Migrant Smuggling

Click on the image, or the link below it, to download the file (.JPG)


Click on the image, or the link below it, to download the file (.JPG)


Click on the image, or the link below it, to download the file (.JPG)


Click on the image, or the link below it, to download the file (.JPG)

wild life infographic

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