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Information for Companies and Delegations


General requirements concerning the completion of applications under resolution 986 “oil-for-food programme”

(updated on 3 January 2003)

A.   The application form and the attached spreadsheet (in Excel) must be completed in English or French.

B.  Missions should submit one application form and one diskette (Excel form attachment) with each contract. 

C.  Application form (pages 1 and 2) must be accompanied by all relevant documentation, including the contractual arrangements (signed by both parties), purchase order, offers, technical specifications, etc. All these documents must be submitted in hard copy format. 

D.  The spreadsheet must be submitted, on a diskette, in Microsoft Excel (version 4 or higher), using the standardized electronic format template. A mission reference number should be written on the diskette label by the submitting Mission and should also be entered electronically into the spreadsheet by the submitting Mission; this number must be identical to the mission reference which is entered in Box 3 of the hard copy of the application form. The electronic Excel form attachment must not contain any empty cells. 

E.  For legibility, Missions should not submit hard copies of applications in reduced size. Wherever possible, the Mission should submit originals of applications to the Secretariat, rather than faxing them. Faxing reduces legibility and may result in non-registration of an application. 

F.  The copy of the application should be typed. Applications should be completed in black ink, as other colors produce poor copies.

G.  For security reasons, technical information provided in hard copy will have to be scanned for further distribution. In order to allow for easy scanning, Missions should provide the requested information in the format described below:

  • Plain while paper, A4 or letter size, with clearly printed text and with no "shaded" areas. Please avoid large-size technical drawings;

  • Technical information provided electronically (diskette) must be printable on A4 or legal size;

  • The information (text, drawings, pictures, etc.) should be printed only on one side of the paper;

  • Binders should be avoided as they make scanning difficult;

  • Catalogues should be photocopied on one-sided sheets before sending;

  • Do not use plastic dividers, tab markers, glossy paper, etc.

H.  Absence or insufficient technical information is the most common reason for delays in processing of applications. Missions/suppliers are advised to consult the OIP web-site for details of technical information requirements (Minimizing Delays in Contract Approval) and provide all the information required, to include data sheets, descriptive literature, material composition, etc. The information must be provided in a format described in point G above. For certain types of goods (see Technical Information Requirements and detail guidelines for completion of Box 19 in the application form), technical information must be provided in standard technical information sheets. Failure to provide technical information in the required format may result in an application being returned to the Mission/Organization for completion, before a comm. number may be issued. 

I.  All submitted documentation must be sufficiently legible to be copied. 

J.  Boxes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 (if applicable), 11, 12, 13 (if applicable), 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24 on the application form must be completed by the applicant Mission. Furthermore, the complete list of goods to be shipped must be detailed on columns 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 of the Excel form attachment on diskette. If any of the required boxes have not been completed, the application will be returned by the Secretariat to the submitting Mission for completion, before a “Comm.” number is assigned to the application. 

K.  If the scope of supply, contractual arrangements, port of entry, or supplier should change after the application has been approved, OIP should be notified so that the amendment may be processed and a corrigendum to the approval letter issued. Where the scope of supply has changed, a revised application form should be submitted, detailing the revised list of goods to be shipped. Where changes have been made to the contractual arrangements, for instance when the total value of the contract or the supplier has changed, a formal addendum to the contract, signed by both parties, should be submitted by the Mission. 

L.  Replacement or warranty goods must be processed by OIP and approved. For further details, please see warranty/replacement goods section. 

NOTE: Following these points of guidance will facilitate registration of application and issuance of Comm. number and may assist the Office of Iraq Programme in accelerating the processing of requests and notifications, and will facilitate rapid clearance of legitimate consignments. Please note that illegible and incomplete applications will be considered ineligible and will be returned to the submitting Mission/Organization without Comm. number being issued. 

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Produced for media and public information – not an official United Nations Document
For further information please contact Mr. Ian Steele in the Office of the Iraq Programme. email: steelei@un.org