21 years ago in 1998, the Lisbon Declaration was first adopted in the World Conference of Ministers responsible for Youth in Lisbon, Portugal. By adopting the Declaration, governments agreed to develop national youth policies and programmes to address some of the pressing challenges and unique opportunities in the 21st century.

This June I attended #Lisboa21, to join Ministers Responsible for Youth, policymakers, and youth representatives from all over the world to mark the milestone of Lisbon Declaration. I cannot stress enough the need for a collective responsibility to deliver on the commitments we are making within these rooms, so all young people can live a life of dignity and freedom.

By Sunday, June 22, the new Lisboa+21 Declaration was adopted. The Declaration was built based on the rights-based approach and youth-centered policies emphasized active youth participation and engagement and are aligned with the #Youth2030 agenda.

I was proud to see that governments from all over the world gathered in Lisbon to celebrate this milestone, and as well as to commit to the #Lisboa21 Declaration. It’s my hope that although we have left Lisbon, we left with a stronger commitment to working with young people and for young people. Read the Lisboa+21 Declaration here: bit.ly/2KzA9Pg