Daily Archives: 13 November 2014

13 Nov, 2014

Youth Envoy Visited Lehigh University

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The United Nations Secretary General on Youth, Mr. Ahmad Alhendawi, visited Lehigh University, Pennsylvania, on the 12th of November, to join in their celebrations of a ten year successful partnership with the United Nations. The Lehigh University is the 6th university in the world to attain the United Nations Department of Public Information NGO Accreditation,

13 Nov, 2014

One-stop job centre makes it easier for workers and employers to connect

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ILO - Rama Sagama had been unemployed for three years in Tabata, a fast growing high-density suburb in Tanzania’s largest city of Dar es Salaam. The trek of about 10 kilometres to get to the Tanzania Employment Services Agency (TaESA) offices in the city centre made it even more difficult for him to find work.

13 Nov, 2014

UN conference adopts declaration calling for urgent action on education for sustainable development

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UN News Center - The World Conference on Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) held in Aichi-Nagoya, Japan, closed today with a declaration urging action to mainstream education in the United Nations post-2015 development agenda. The Aichi-Nagoya Declaration calls on all nations to implement the Global Action Programme on ESD to move the relevant agenda forward.