Inter-Agency Network on Women and Gender Equality, IANWGE

Task Force on Tools and Indicators for Gender Impact Analysis and Monitoring and Evaluation

At the former Inter-Agency Meeting on Women and Gender Equality ("IAMWGE", New York, 27 February to 2 March 2001)  currently, the Inter-Agency Network on Women and Gender Equality ("IANWGE")  as manager of the Task Force on tools and indicators for gender impact analysis, monitoring and evaluation, the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean ("ECLAC") was entrusted to provide the members of the IAMWGE with an inventory of activities, by type and actor, with regard to make gender indicators available for policy making, by looking at indicators from a userīs perspective. Since ECLAC also received the mandate of designing a multi-year project proposal on data collection and use of gender indicators for policy making that would involve the organizations of the United Nations system, the inventory became an important input to obtain a systematic vision of the tasks carried out by these in relation to the development of gender indicators, in order to avoid duplication in future activities.

In response to the first mandate, ECLAC designed a project on Gender Indicators for the Follow-Up of the Beijing Platform for Action, which main objective is to make a better use of the existing capacities in the statistical divisions of the United Nations organizations and to enhance the relation producers-users of information with their governmental and non governmental counterparts, in order to further monitor compliance with the agreements of the Beijing Platform for Action and the recommendations adopted at the Beijing+5 session of the General Assembly. It shall be implemented over the next five years in order to provide reliable indicators at the 10-year benchmark of the adoption of the Platform of Action in the year 2005 (link to electronic file). In view of its second mandate, ECLAC  prepared a questionnaire under the form of a database on gender indicators and tools constructed, compiled and/or used by the organizations of the United Nations system, which was sent to the members of the Task-Force, all the regional commissions, and other international organizations which are involved in the production of gender indicators . This was completed by an extensive search that was carried out through the electronic web, with a specific focus on gender websites created by United Nations organizations and their statistic data bases and publications which incorporate data disaggregated by sex as well as gender indicators. The final inventory is organized in terms of actors who produce technical guidance on gender indicators and disseminate gender indicators, the data available by different areas of interest, as well as the primary and secondary sources of information used by the United Nations system in the calculation and dissemination of gender indicators.

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