Inter-Agency Network on Women and Gender Equality, IANWGE


Task Force on
Violence Against Women

UN Women


New!Report now available!


The Inter-agency Task Force on Violence Against Women hosted a global consultation - "Delivering as One on Gender-based Violence: From Intent to Action" - on 3rd -4th November, 2010.

The primary objective of this global event hosted by UNFPA was to present lessons from initiating multi-stakeholder joint programming in the 10 select pilot countries under the Inter-agency Task Force on Violence against Women (that UNFPA and UN Women co-chair) and to provide a platform for representatives from the 10 pilot countries to share experiences of multi-stakeholder joint programming on this issue. Such experiences and related lessons could be used for the purposes of providing guidance for in-country stakeholders (United Nations Country Teams, government and civil society) that are commencing similar multi-stakeholder joint programmes. The event - taking opportunity of the theme of the "Delivering as one in the context of GBV" session that was undertaken at the joint board meeting of UNDP/UNFPA/UNICEF/WFP in January last year – also featured presentations from other joint initiatives that are working to address violence against women and girls.

The report of the consultation is now available and it summarizes the proceedings and recommendations of the consultation.
The report begins by identifying the recommendations for joint programming initiatives on VAW based on the experiences to date of the 10 pilot countries. It then follows the agenda structure to provide an outline of the presentations given on a variety of initiatives working to address VAW under the theme of “Delivering as One on Gender-Based Violence (GBV)” and summaries of the progress, challenges and lessons learned presented by the 10 pilot countries.
To access the report, please visit this link:

Background to the Task Force

The Secretary-General’s in-depth study – “Ending violence against women: From words to action,” launched at the General Assembly in October 2006, provided a comprehensive examination of the universality, scope and extent of the issue and the related challenges and gaps in public responses. Following the launch of the study, the General Assembly adopted a comprehensive resolution (A/RES/61/143) which called upon Member States and the United Nations system to intensify their efforts to eliminate violence against women. 

The study and resolution have resulted in increased momentum among entities of the United Nations system to initiate new activities to address violence against women and to strengthen coordination and collaboration.  The Inter-Agency Network on Women and Gender Equality (IANWGE) established the United Nations Task Force on Violence against Women to take a leadership role in follow-up to the resolution.

Terms of Reference

The overall goal of the Task Force is to enhance support to national level efforts to eliminate all forms of violence against women by the entities of the United Nations system, within their respective mandates.  This overall goal will be attained by pursuing the following objectives: 

  • Enhanced, coordinated and systematic support to States, at the national level, in their efforts to eliminate violence against women, through supporting comprehensive national approaches, for example support for preparation/implementation of national action plans

  • Systematic and timely information exchange among entities of the United Nations system about existing and planned strategies, programmes and activities on violence against women, at global, regional and national levels, including through the preparation and regular updating of an Inventory of United Nations system activities on violence against women

  • Enhanced understanding of resources available from the United Nations system, at the national level, to support work by Governments and non-governmental organizations to prevent and respond to violence against women

  • Demonstrated leadership by senior officials of entities of the United Nations system to address violence against women


Members of the Task Force include:
United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) (co-chair)
UN Women (co-chair)
United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM)
United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF)
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC)
United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA)
Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR)
Office of the Special Adviser on Gender Issues and Advancement of Women (OSAGI)
Regional Commissions of the United Nations (represented by the Regional Commissions New York Office, RCNYO)
UN Habitat
International Labour Organization (ILO)
World Bank
UN Action Against Sexual Violence in Conflict (UN Action)
International Organization for Migration (IOM)
World Health Organization (WHO)

Work Plan and Major Activities

  • Implementation of joint programming on violence against women in 10 pilot countries.

  • Completion and dissemination of a manual/guideline on joint programming on violence against women for use by United Nations Country Teams at the country level.

  • Creation of an email list serve for United Nations entities, with updates regularly circulated to subscribers.

  • Compilation of a regularly updated Inventory of United Nations system activities on violence against women available online

  • Completion of a resource flow analysis and outreach to donors on the need for enhanced resources for activities related to preventing and eliminating all forms of violence against women undertaken.

  • Enhancement of the effectiveness of the United Nations Trust Fund in Support of Actions to Eliminate Violence against Women (the Trust Fund) funding mechanism for preventing and redressing all forms of violence against women and girls with lessons learned incorporated into the work of the Task Force.

  • Resources to support the work of the Task Force mobilized.

  • Advocacy efforts undertaken, including briefing intergovernmental and executive bodies on results achieved; attention to violence against women in statements, reports, and participation in panels by high-level United Nations officials.

Joint Programming Initiative On Violence Against Women

The Task Force is piloting a joint programming initiative to address violence against women in 10 countries, involving all relevant stakeholders at the national level, including Government actors, the United Nations Country Team and civil society stakeholders. Joint programming will result in harmonization of initiatives and budgets and maximization of each stakeholder’s comparative advantage.

Download PDFClick here for details on the joint programming initiative, including

  • background to the initiative,
  • criteria for selection of pilot countries,
  • steps in the joint programming initiative,
  • information on factors considered in the selection of each country,
  • the current status of joint programming in the pilot countries (Burkina Faso, Chile, Fiji, Jamaica, Jordan, Kyrgyzstan, Paraguay, Philippines, Rwanda, Yemen)

Inventory of United Nations system activities to prevent and eliminate violence against women

Download PDFDownload the full Inventory

In February 2008, the Secretary-General of the United Nations, Mr. Ban Ki-Moon, launched his Campaign “UNiTE to End Violence against Women”, 2008-2015. Through the Campaign, the Secretary-General is spearheading the accelerated efforts of the United Nations system to address violence against women.

The entities of the United Nations system address violence against women through research and normative and policy development. They support Member States and other stakeholders in their efforts and provide services and other assistance to victims of violence, undertake advocacy and awareness-raising activities, implement innovative projects, as well as provide funding to various stakeholders for their activities. This inventory of United Nations system activities on violence against women is intended to strengthen the knowledge base on work that is being implemented by the system on this critical issue.

The inventory was first issued in July 2007, when departments and offices of the United Nations Secretariat, regional commissions, funds and programmes, specialized agencies, international financial institutions, as well as the International Organization for Migration, provided a baseline of their activities on violence against women. Subsequently, the inventory was updated in January 2008, September 2008, and February 2009 on the basis of information provided by the entities.


Upala Devi, Task Force Coordinator
Email: and

Aminata Toure, UNFPA

Christine Brautigam, UN Women

E-Mail IANWGE Inter-Agency Network on Women and Gender Issues, 2 UN Plaza, 12th floor, New York, NY, 10017, USA Copyright (c) United Nations